


Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Philosophy in Theology and Apologetics (PhD)


Gary Yates


Exodus, Exodus Motif, Prophets, Apocalyptic


Christianity | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


In the following pages of this dissertation, I address two questions: 1) How do biblical authors reuse the exodus motif in positive and negative ways? 2) What does theological reflection on these uses yield? In Chapter One, we will see that the historical exodus is not only contextually plausible, but it is also particularly doctrinal. The exodus reveals noteworthy truths for God’s people today, and these truths need to be continually affirmed. Chapter Two shows that collectively, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel had an understanding of Israelite history, and they trusted God’s sovereign control of that history. These prophets also had a collective understanding of God’s nature and the significance of sin. Individually, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel drew on the exodus narrative to remind their hearers of God’s self-revelation (Ezek 20:4-5), and of God’s salvation (Jer 2:6; Ezek 20:6; 10). Furthermore, these prophets used the exodus motif to rebuke their hearers for covenant unfaithfulness (Jer 11:1-8). Chapter Three examines how the exodus motif is used within the Book of the Twelve. These prophets use the motif to show God’s faithfulness in the past, confront covenant unfaithfulness in the present, and provide hope for a greater salvation in the future. Chapter Four examines the books of Daniel and Revelation. Each of these books reveal that God is just and that he responds to the persistent prayers of his people, he faithfully leads his people, shows them what he desires, and those who stand against him will feel his wrath. The final chapter of this dissertation presents a summary of findings, provides avenues for further research, and makes points of practical application.
