"A Strategy for Transformation of Men through Implementing Principles f" by John Joseph Campbell




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Dwayne Milioni


Transformation, Men, Wesley, Class, Band, Groups


Practical Theology | Religion


The purpose of this thesis project will be to implement certain principles from John Wesley’s class and band groups into the men’s ministry group meeting with the goal of the transformation of men. The research will occur at Grace Fellowship in Comstock Park, Michigan. The author of this project is the founding Pastor and Elder of the church who has been for five years and still is part of the men’s ministry group. Through the use of questionnaires, surveys, personal interviews, and analysis of the information collected by these means, this study will compare information collected before the implementation of Wesley’s principles and information collected after the application of such principles. The comparison and analysis of this information will be used to determine the effectiveness of the principles introduced in the spiritual transformation of men. This research may serve as a model to implement into the women’s ministry or other small groups at Grace Fellowship, as well as other local churches, to maximize the spiritual growth of followers of Jesus Christ.
