Submissions from 2019
The Date of the Muratorian Fragment: An Inference to the Best Explanation, John F. Lingelbach
Aristotle and Habituation: Is Virtue Really Attainable Without God's Help, Roy Michael Mattson
An Alcohol Questionnaire and Referral Tool for Baptist Churches, Rita D. Moore
Trying Times: 21st Century Sexual Revolution, Churches and Ministers At-Risk, Samuel H. Murray
The Black Church and the Current Generation: A Program to Address the Decline of African-American Church Attendance in Johnston County of North Carolina, Robert Allen O'Neal Jr
A Phenomenological Exploration of Women’s Attitudes Towards Women Mentoring Other Women in the Church, Natasha Amy Pettigrew
The Unifying Theme of the Mind of Christ in Philippians Demonstrated by Paul's Use of Rhetorical and Linguistic Devices in an Oral/Aural Culture, David Alan Posey
An Examination of Preaching and Church Leadership within Royal Baptist Church, Jeffie L. Powell Jr
Tawḥīdic Allah, the Trinity, and the Eschaton: A Comparative Analysis of the Qualitative Nature of the Afterlife in Islam and Christianity, Kevin M. Richard
Pastoral Counseling and the African American Churches of Metro Atlanta: Breaking the Stigma Associated With Asking for Help, LaSonja Chanta Richardson
Suicide Prevention through Spiritual Care: A Guide for United States Military Veterans, Reggie D. Richardson
A Therapeutic Pastoral Counseling Program Designed to Reveal and Treat Combat Events of Homeless Veterans in Wake County, North Carolina, Earnest Lee Shannon Jr
The Logic of Intersubjectivity: Brian McLaren’s Philosophy of Christian Religion, Darren M. Slade
A Strategy for a Successful Church Plant in an Un-churched, yet Spiritual Culture, Ernest Smith
Declining Church Attendance: Five Reasons Why Millennials have Stopped Attending Church, Charles Eugene Sumpter
Attractional to Missional: A Strategic Transition Plan for Anastasia Baptist Church, Samuel F. Thigpen
Sonship: Biblical Concepts and the Need for Spiritual Father and Son Relationships in the Church, Anthony Batiste Thompson Jr
Short-Term Missions: Developing an Effective and Sustainable Program in the Local Church, Matthew Alan Trill
Developing an at Risk Youth Prevention Model in Local Church, Norman Dwight Vick
Missional Metamorphosis: How Identity, Presence, and Praxis Are Reshaping Disciple Making within Post-Christian Contexts, Justin Thomas Wester
A Mixed Methods Approach to the Implementation of Simple Church at Greenhouse Community Church, Jeff Michael Wheeland
Submissions from 2018
Leadership Matters: The Process of Leading a Declining Church to Revitalization Utilizing Early Church Principles, Jarvis Baker
Situational Hermeneutics in the New Testament's Use of the Old, William Boyd
Ministry and Nonprofit Finance: A Guide to Promote Awareness, Stewardship, and Compliance, Larry Brown
How to Live While Ministering to the Dying: A Guide for Hospice Chaplains, Wayne Bruner
Christ-centered Worship: Five New Testament Principles for the Korean Church, Hallellu Choi
The Religious Persecution of Christians, Novella L. Crudup
House Church: Planting Seventh-Day Adventist House Churches Among Rwandese Refugees In Columbus Ohio, Kwesi Gyimah
Deacons, the Biblical System of Church Leadership?, Michael Harbuck
Developing a Discipleship-training Model for Equipping the Laity with both Emotional and Spiritual Maturity in Korean Churches, Jongsik Hwang
Pastoral Burnout of African American Pastors: Creating Healthy Support Systems and Balance, William E. Johnson III
Nurturing Church as a Biblical Strategy to Recover a Healthy Church Within South Korean Churches, Jinwook Kang
A Study on the Influence of Seasonal Feast Ministries on the Church Growth: The Case of Seoul Shindo Church, In Hwan Kim
A Phenomenological Study: The Quest for God in an Epoch of Distraction, Todd Marcy
Pastoral Self-Care: Developing a Burnout-Resistant Approach to Life and Ministry, James McClanahan
A Strategic Spiritual Formation Study Based on the Book of Malachi, Rand Muender
When Two Become One: Reconsidering Marriage as a Sacrament in Protestant Theology, Adam Neal
Divine Physiology: Deity Revealed Within the Conception of Jesus Christ, Robbin Nelson
An Evaluation of the MasterLife Christian Discipleship Program's Influence on the Disciple of Christ, Leon B. Newton
Relational Reading for Biblical Discourses: A New Strategy for Preparing Biblical Preaching, Sung-shin Park
Seven Key Steps in Planning and Implementing a Successful Church Merger, Andrew Pietrylo
Increasing the Involvement of African American Men at Contending for the Faith Church in Wilson, North Carolina, Dameion Royal
Mark's Gospel Compared with Virgil's Aeneid, Floyd Schneider
A Strategy to Build a Healthy Church through Dynamic Cell Ministries: The Case of Global Mission Church in Korea, Kyung Sik Shin
Cultural Based Discipling According to the Strategies of Jesus, Jonathan Smith
Saving the Sheep, Preserving the Fruit: A Plan of Christian Education for the Millennials and Beyond in the Midwest Wesleyan Church, Keith Studebaker
Tarry There! Spiritual Endowment for Today's Generation Per Luke 24:49, Cleveland Taylor
One from the Beginning: A Proposed Apologetic for the Growth of the Church from AD 30-250, Douglas Taylor
The Decline of Church Attendance in Black America: A Biblical Mandate for Black Males to Godly Leadership., Elder E.Q. Truss
Leveraging a Massive Open Online Course in the Local Church to Teach Hermeneutics, Howard Dale Tryon
Christian Theistic Anthropology, Anthony T. Vento
An Examination of Children’s Ministry Volunteer Development from Pastors and Laity in the Local Church, Kenneth Warren
Connecting the Church Beyond Prison Ministry: Transitioning the Discipled Prisoner into a Discipleship Community, Joyce Weathers
Developing a Strategic Model for Deacons as Servant Leaders within New Church Plants, Christopher Webb
A Strategic Evangelism Project for the Youth of the Newly Formed South Brooklyn Academy Sparklers: The Indiscriminate Distribution of God's Four Everlasting Covenant Provisions, Courtney W. Wickham
Health and Wellness Factors Affecting the Wholistic Lifestyle of National and International Christian Missionaries, Angela C. Williams
7 Essential Keys to Success: Developing the Spiritual Discipline in the Leader, Bernard Winchester
Submissions from 2017
Ten Essential Lessons Learned when Transitioning from a Long-Term Tenured Pastor in the African American Baptist Church, Marcus Allen
Corporatization of the Church Compromises Christian’s Priorities, Purpose, and Practices, Edwin Alston
Corporatization of the Church Compromises Christian’s Priorities, Purpose, and Practices, Edwin Brandon Alston
Before God and These Witnesses: An Evangelistic Guide to Weddings, David Anderson
Developing an Effective Biblical Method for the Rediscovery of Accountability in Christian Discipleship, Jamie Archer
Spiritual Formation: A Model to Strengthen the Mission, Operation, and Commitment of African American Churches, Anthony Bailey
A Church Planting Church in South Korea: A Case Study on Missional Outreach, Deokjong Bang
A Fresh Inquiry into the Fate of the Un-Evangelized: A Traditional Dispensational Perspective, Mark Carlton
Reaching the Thai People of Southeast Asia: A Model for Discipleship and Leadership Training, Duane D. Carmody
Dead Bones Rising: A Strategic Plan for Revitalizing Declining Churches by Creating Small Groups, Jeffrey Chappell
A Study on the Comparison of Pastoral Succession Cases in Korean Churches, Chang Choi
Integrating Public, Private, and Homeschool Students Into a Cohesive Youth Ministry, Michael Cunningham
Starving Marriage: Seven Recipes for Nourishing Intimacy, Richard Daniel
Resuscitated Indeed: Paul and the Resurrection Age, Christopher Paul Davis
The Importance of Athanasius and the Views of His Character, Jack Steven Davis
Humanity's Capacity to Apprehend Aesthetic Value as an Argument for God's Existence, Walter Davis
The Humility and Glory of the Lamb: Toward a Robust Apocalyptic Christology, Jeffrey Dickson
An Examination of Art in the American Evangelical Church for the Purpose of Discipleship and Evangelism, Joshua Dugan
Aberrant Relationships in the Book of Genesis: The Pollution of the "One Flesh" Relationship as Found in Genesis 2:24, Robert Evans
Effects of the Afterschool Program on Student Achievement of Students with Disabilities in a Rural Georgia Middle School, Constance Franklin
The Trinity...The Biblical Mandates for Preaching, Teaching, Worshipping and Evangelism in the Local Church, Pedreto Graham-Brown
The Battle is Real: Spiritual Warfare, Discipleship, and the Christian “Soldier”, Frank Hain
The Central Event View of Human History Model (CEM): An Apologetic for a Christ-Centered Christian View of Human History, Gordon Harris
The Aging Process and How That Affects Judgement and Choices in Youth Ministry, Ricky Harris
A Church Based Curriculum Providing Marriage and Family Education for Stepfamilies and Ministries, Richard Helein
A Church Based Curriculum Providing Marriage and Family Education for Stepfamilies and Ministries, Richard Charles Helein
A Proposal For Leadership Transition In Ministry: A Proactive Approach, Fred Hill
A Study of Pastors’ Exhaustion and Restoration: The Case of Goshin Pastors in Kyungnam, Korea, Kang Hwang
A Study on the Use of Church Building Space on Sundays and Weekdays: The Case of Yongin Jeil Church, Byeong Im
An Examination of the Necessity for Servant Leadership in the Pastoral Role: Biblical Principles will be Explored, Fred Jensen
New Heights Christian Community Center: An Effective Strategy of Outreach for the Local Church, Marc Jones