"The Influence of Shamanism on Korean Churches and How to Overcome It" by Jin Woo Lee






Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Frank J. Schmitt

Primary Subject Area

Religion, Clergy; Religion, General; Religion, Philosophy of; Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies; Theology


What problem do Korean churches have now? Korean churches have had serious growth problems since the 1990s'. Although Korean churches have grown rapidly with the economic growth of Korea, there have been many contributions and evil influences of shamanism, which lies deep in the minds of Korean people. Obviously, shamanism has made a contribution to growth of the Korean church since Christianity was introduced. Many churches and pastors have consented to or utilized such a tendency. However, this created serious problems. Shamanism is anti-Biblical. Shamanism brought about a theoretical combination, transmutation of religion and many mistakes in church life. A questionnaire was used to reveal; these facts. Ultimately, this thesis calls attention to shamanist elements in Korean churches and suggests how to eliminate them.

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