Submissions from 2024
The Protestant Vatican: Black Churches Involvement in The Nashville Civil Rights Movement 1865-1972, Samuel Dingkee Momodu
A Causal-Comparative Study of the Difference in Student Academic Outcomes Among Elementary and Secondary Online Students Based on Parental Perceptions of Virtual Learning, Elizabeth Gordon Mondoux
Exploring How Church Leadership Strives for Effective Ministry by Developing a Viable Leadership Training Program at a Small Nondenominational Church in Scranton, South Carolina, Willa Dean Montgomery
Fake News and Social Media: The Impact of Emotional Lexicon on Interactive Behaviors, Charles Bishop Montjoy
The Contrast in Music Aesthetics Prior to the Romantic Era and Its Impact on Music Education, Sophia Grace Moon
Biblical Leadership Development: Essential Components in Servant Leadership, André T. Moore Sr.
Evangelicals as Zionists and Peacemakers in Arab and Israeli Peacemaking through Track II Diplomacy, Johnnie Moore
Community Formation and Effective Leadership in African American Churches in High-poverty Communities, Kevin Laron Moore
Constructivism, Curiosity, and Metacognitive Bias in the Age of Google, Matthew Moore
Chiropractic Patient Safety Education Experiences: A Phenomenological Study, Michael P. Moore
Music Education for All: A Study of Non-Traditional Music Courses in Secondary Schools, Ormond L. Moore
The Soil Test: Facilitating Increased Receptivity to Spiritual Formation in a Large Church Through Education, Motivation, and Resources, Rosemary Moore
Experiences of Midwest Nursing Faculty Decisions to Leave Academia: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Teresa H. Moorman
The Work-Life Balance of Higher Education Faculty in Light of Constant Access to Technology: A Case Study, Giordana Morales-Spier
Christian Graduates' Lived Experiences with Professional Moral Courage: A Transcendental Phenomenology, Jeffrey W. Moreira
Exploring the Connection Between Student Self-Efficacy and Student Success in a Prelicensure Nursing Programs: A Predictive Correlational Study, Leanne I. Moreira
Print Culture in New York: The Essence of the Benevolent Empire from 1816 to 1837, Merritt Morgan
Readiness for Interprofessional Teamwork of Graduate Public Health Students at the Time of Their Graduation, Liliana Morosanu
Becoming a Disciple-Making Disciple Through a Written Guided Plan in a Handbook, Benjamin T. Morrell
A Phenomenological Study on Emerging Adults' Lived Experiences with Financial Technology, Tracey R. Morrison
Educator Experiences in Conflict Management with Parents of Students with Disabilities: A Phenomenological Study, Laura Lewis Mosby
A Comparison of Student Motivation Between Two Ukulele Curricula in a Multi-Age Classroom, Jill K. Moth
The Power and Purpose of Intercessory Prayer: Equipping and Educating the Leaders of Divine Providence Ministries Through an Intercessory Prayer Course, Tammanica S. Muse
Virtual Coaching, Self-Directed Learning, and the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices: A Single Qualitative Case Study, Elisabeth Myers
Teacher's Experiences of the Response to Intervention Model Implementation in State-Ranked New Jersey Schools: A Qualitative Case Study, Kimberly Myers