Submissions from 2025
Technology-as-Instrument: A Case Study of Undergraduate Student Experience with DAW Technology, Brian Coski
Submissions from 2024
Title I Music Programs in Tennessee: Administrative Decisions in Allocated Funding, Aisha R. Allen
In Search of New Originals: An Examination of Experiences in Upper-Division Jazz Improvisation Pedagogy, Bruce Babad
High School Orchestra Teachers of the United States and their Music Literature Programming Pedagogical Effectiveness, James Herbert Bailey III
The French Piano School's Pedagogical Influence on Louis Moreau Gottschalk's Piano Etudes: A Narrative Inquiry, Kenner Layne Bailey
Easy as 1, 2, 3: An Analysis of Rhythm-Counting Systems and Their Affect on Performance Accuracy in Beginner Band Students, Brendan Beiersdorfer
The Role of Pre-Collegiate Mentorship Programs in Orchestra Teacher Recruitment in South Carolina, Tamar Ben-Pazi
Pedagogical Influences of Ethnic Percussion Among Virginia Middle and High School Band Directors, Chad W. Brooks
COVID-19 Effects on School Choral Music Programs’ Rehearsal Instruction: Exploring Responses, Sharing Teacher Perceptions on Future Preparedness, Watson Chilala
Overcoming Barriers to Multicultural Instrumental Music Education: Towards a Practical Pedagogy, Corbin Clark
Harmonizing Voices: Vocal Pedagogy in 21st Century Music Education, Thomas J. Clark
Servant Leader Choral Conductor: The Effect of Servant Leadership in Community Choirs and Community Partnerships, Zachary Debois Cooke
The Lack of and Discouragement of Certified and Intended Music Educators Due to the State of Louisiana Teacher Certification Requirements, Kendall James Damond
Change for the Better? An Examination of How Technology-Based Instruction During COVID-19 Changed Teaching Methods in Band, An'Cheyl Davis
The Symptoms of Music Performance Anxiety Unique to College Music Majors Attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Kevin D. Durham
Community Partnerships for Music Education in Rural Eastern New Mexico and West Texas, Joseph Manuel Flores
Finding a Correlation Between Emotional Intelligence and Burnout in Music Teachers in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Richard Raymond Freda
Challenges To Musical and Organizational Growth in Small Rural Community High School Instrumental Music Programs in Georgia, William Kenneth Garrett
The Relationship Between Overtime and Burnout Among Alabama Secondary Music Ensemble Directors, Ashley Deleen Gresko
Commonalities in Teaching Strategies Among Middle School Band Directors for Individuals Auditioning for the Georgia All-State Band, Michael Christopher Harper
The Inclusive Music Classroom for Elementary Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Benjamin Bartow Harrison
Keeping the Beat: A Comprehensive Analysis of Retention Strategies and their Impact on Historically Black Colleges and University Band Student and Alumni Success, Melton Randolph Harvey II
The Effects of High School Instrumental Music Performance Anxiety on the Accelerated Recovery of Social Anxiety, Staci Leigh Hatmaker
Primary General Music: Trauma-Informed Instruction in Title I Schools in Post-Pandemic Georgia, Sarah-Ann Higgins
Middle School Administrator and Instrumental Music Teacher Perceptions of the Danielson Framework for Teaching Observation Tool, Kimberly Hunt Hirschmann
A Glance into the Suzuki Triangle Approach of Teaching Violin as an Intervention for the Military Child: A Case Study of Parental Engagement Promoting Positive Self-Esteem, Self-Expression, and Coping Skills, Heather R. Howard-Hannock
The Art of the Comeback: Reversing Burnout Among Rural Music Educators in the United States, Richard J. Kane
Gatekeeping the Choral Classroom: The Existence of Caste System Levels in High School Choral Singing, Amber J. Klein
An Exploration of How Working at Marching Band Camps Can Benefit Pre-Service Instrumental Music Educators, Cody Franklin Knott
Integrating Popular Music into Instrumental Method Books for Beginning Students, Joshua E. Kohl
Perspectives of High School Orchestra Teachers in Urban and Suburban Settings In Using Social-Emotional Learning Techniques, Dale A. Kokot
Incorporating Aaron Copland's Philosophy of Inclusion in Midwest Rural Band Programs: A Qualitative Study of Attracting and Retaining Students of Low Socioeconomic Status, Jonathan, S. Laflamme
Fear of Failure in High School Band Sight Reading: Effects on Student and Teacher Experiences, Andrew D. Lightner
The Emotional, Physical, and Mental Effects of Physiological Entrainment and Heart Coherence in the Choral Ensemble, Nicole M. Mattfeld
Parent Perspectives for Elementary Instrumental Music Participation, Scott Wayne McGowan
The Impact of Popular Music Education in Building and Maintaining Rural East Tennessee High School Band Programs, Christopher L. Metcalfe
The Contrast in Music Aesthetics Prior to the Romantic Era and Its Impact on Music Education, Sophia Grace Moon
Music Education for All: A Study of Non-Traditional Music Courses in Secondary Schools, Ormond L. Moore
Determining Factors for College Music Major Success in Small Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities: Perspectives from Students and Faculty, Spencer James Nance
A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Enrollment and Retention Trends in Mid-Sized Pennsylvania Rural Band Programs, Adam Brian Nobile
The Middle School Developmental Vocal Methodology: A Middle School Vocal Music Instructional Methodology - The Vocal Pedagogy Branch, Eunice Nogueras
Philosophies of Empirical and Habitual Teaching: Healthy Vocal Methodologies in Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century, Katie Denise Osuamkpe
An Exploration of the Big Five Traits and Effective Private Music Teachers, Christopher James Ozorio
An Exploration Into The Social and Emotional Effects of K-12 Music Education, Jerrod T. Perry
Choral Educators’ Perspectives on Block Scheduling in Middle Schools, Heather Anderson Perryman
United in Purpose: Establishing Community Partnerships Amongst District-Level Music Education Programs and After-School Music Organizations in Delaware, Malcolm S. Richardson
The Impact of COVID-19 on Student Motivation in Secondary Instrumental Music, Martha Jane Robinson
Band Gamification Among High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Case Study, Carolyn Rusnak
Teaching Aural Skills in Undergraduate Music Using World Music Concepts: A Narrative Inquiry, Eugene Seow
Hip Hop Performing Arts Charter Schools: The Future of Arts Education in Predominantly Non-White, Low Income, Underserved Rural Areas of Louisiana, Anthony P. Shelton
Recommendations for Improving the Recruitment of High School Orchestra Students Using Basic Psychological Needs Theory, Ryan Michael Silvestri
Music Educator Turnover in West Virginia: What Is Keeping Music Teachers in Their Classrooms and Why Are Others Leaving?, Jeremiah Dayne Smallridge
Evaluating Expressive Conducting: A Statistical Analysis of Rural High School Wind Ensemble Performances, Cole F. Smith
Dyslexia and Sight-reading: Perceptions of Upper Woodwind Instrumental Students with Dyslexia and their Approach to Sight-reading Study, Kristen S. Spiridon
The Relationship Between Participation in Chorus and the Acquisition of Higher-Order Reasoning Skills Among Middle School Students, Jason M. Streun
Cultural Influence on Recruiting Middle School Children to the Jordanian Nai Choir, Diana Samir Talhami
Rural Music Pedagogy in Minnesota Secondary Band Classes a Qualitative Case Study, Kelly R. Taylor
Small Bands in the Heartland: Competitive Results of Small School Marching Bands in Kansas, Joel Derek Vinson
The Effects of Social Media Presence on Historically Black College and University (HBCU) College Student Band Selection, KuRonde Washington
The Interdisciplinary Music Degree: Music Education, Music Performance, and Music and Fine Arts Administration, Edwin R. Williams
A Basis for Removal or Retention of Black Folk Songs in Music Education According to Black Americans in the Music Community, Ashley Yarbrough
Submissions from 2023
Success vs. Survival: The Challenges of Teaching K-12 School Music in South Metro Atlanta, Davion Rashad Battle
A Model for the Development of a Popular Music Listening Curriculum, Micki Michele Berlin
Recruiting and Retaining Non-Traditional Secondary Music Students Through Modern Band, Luke Besong
And All Those Jazz Hands! A Curricular Show Choir in an Elementary Public School: A Case Study, Anne Valadia Binkley
High Musical Achievement in Underserved High School Band Programs: A Qualitative Study, Delton Marcus Brown
Strategies for Creating and Building College Band Programs within Institutions Under a 5000-Student Population, Joshua Benjamin Buckrucker
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of American and British Military Bandmasters’ Experiences and the Influence on the Development of the American Public School Band Movement, Michael L. Burrage
A Provident Mindset to Impostor Phenomenon of In-Service Music Educators, Jerry Mark Buttrum
Skoo-Bee-Dee-Boo-Bop-Scat: The Impacts of Vocal Jazz Improvisational Techniques on the Secondary Choral Student and Secondary Choral Program, Sara Beth Carroll
College Theory Curriculum: Using the Philosophical Essence of Comprehensive Musicianship to Integrate Composition, Daniel Pierce Cather
The Effects of the Orff Approach on Language Acquisition for Spanish Foreign Language Students, Kimberly Jean Clare Chimento-Tichacek
The Benefits of Hybrid Picking in an Undergraduate Guitar Curriculum to Equip Students for a Diverse Performance Career, Keith L. Cooper
The Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Administrator Support on Middle School All-County Chorus Selections, Celeste Rae Cruz
The Effects of Repertoire Selection and Classroom Configuration on the Middle School Classroom Environment, Bethany Marie Davis
Incorporating Ethnomusicology in Undergraduate Choral Music Education, Cara S Gerritsen Davis
Authentic Pedagogical Approaches for Teaching and Learning Bluegrass Fiddling, Including an Examination of Kenny Baker Plays Bill Monroe, Derek Cooper Deakins
Musical Excellence and Faith: A Study of Service-Learning as Pedagogy for Instrumental Ensembles at Northwest University, Naomi Lynn Fanshier
The Impact of Classroom and Behavioral Management on the Quality and Level of Learning in Music Education, Matthew Nicholas Farr
Music Education and At-Risk Students: A Home for Everyone, Sherry L. Francis
Potential Pathways to Culturally Relevant Licensure, Jeremy Reuben Fritts
Remote Learning in Collegiate Instrumental Courses: The Impact of Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Remote Learning, Beverly R. Gard
Student and Parent/Guardian Perceptions of the Effects of Extra-Curricular Drumming Ensemble Participation on Social-Emotional Learning in a Title I Elementary School, Jennifer Nicole Gray
Parental Perspectives on the Role of Music as a Core Subject, Justine M. Hansen
Creating Talent: The Effect of Environment on the Development of Musical Skill, Nathan Jeffrey Herfindahl
Creating Talent: The Effect of Environment on the Development of Musical Skill, Nathan Jeffrey Herfindahl
Microeconomic Social and Resource Barriers to Music Education Expansion in Impoverished South Carolina Areas, Anna Susanne Holley
Groove Comes to the Cumberlands: The Importance of Percussion Education in Appalachia, Timothy Adam Hopper
The Perception of K-12 Instrumental Directors in Low-Income Areas on Virtual Learning with Skill Development and Retention, Anthony Lewis Hunt
The Analysis of Superintendents’ Perspectives on the Role and Function of Secondary Band Programs in Coastal Georgia, Michael Eugene Hutchinson
Perceived Problems and Advantages Associated with Teaching Band in Rural Northern New York, Joseph Charles Ianaconi
Music Education in the Military: Perceptions of Secondary Band Directors’ Service as Veteran Military Musicians, DeMarius Dejuan Jackson
Jackson State University the Sonic Boom of the South: Strategies for Recruitment and Retention through Marching Band Enrollment, Ramon Latrell Jackson
Teacher Perceptions of the Benefits of Duets in Private Trumpet Lessons: A Qualitative Survey Study of University Teachers in South Carolina, Todd Edison Jenkins
The Declining Enrollment of San Diego County High School Music Programs from 2006-2021, Charles James Jirkovsky