Doctoral Dissertations
Submissions from 2025
The Lived Experiences of Higher Education Staff Leaders in a Four-Week Transformational Leadership Program: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, LaStarsha Alston
The Under-Enrollment of Black and Latino Students in STEM Education: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Vygotsky's Social Development Theory, Johnny Anderson
The Relationship Between Faith Integration Among Faculty in a Christian K-12 School and the Administrator’s Education Level and Years of Experience in a Predictive Correlational Design, Kevin Jerome Barber
How Parents Participate in the Christian Education and Spiritual Formation of their Children: A Case Study of Hybrid Schooling, Shannon O'Hearn Downing
Multi-Ethnic Executive Leadership (MEEL) Experiences Within Higher Education: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study, Enrique Fabian Fernandez
Experience of Underrepresented in Medicine Faculty in Career Advancement at a U.S. Medical School: A Phenomenological Study, Johnson George
Exploring the Lived Experiences of African American Professors in Predominantly White Universities in the Southern United States: A Phenomenological Research Design, Jeniaka Spencer Hames
Data Literacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Morgan V. Harrell
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Secondary School Leaders Disciplining Black Students with Disabilities: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Conteous Arlene Hyman
A Quantitative Causal-Comparative Study of the Effect of Differing Levels and Years of Experience on Christian Teachers’ Instructional Differentiation Scores, Audra Callahan Locklear
Ethical Considerations in Instructional Design Enhanced by Artificial Intelligence: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Billy Malone
Examining the Nexus of School Leadership and Teacher Retention: A Phenomenological Study, Melvina A. Murray
Low Levels of Self-Efficacy and Its Perceived Impact on Nontraditional Community College Students' Academic Performance, William McKinley Pace III
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Special Educators Working in a Juvenile Detention Center, Karli M. Piskurich
Educators' Experiences with Social Skill Acquisition Through Collaborative Learning Strategies for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study, Sharmonica Monique Prince
Understanding The Sense of Belonging Within Inclusive Elementary Settings: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Precious La'Shawn Sanders-Lewis
Middle School Teachers’ Experiences in the Virtual Co-Teaching Setting: A Qualitative Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Suzette A. Smith
Lived Experiences of Preparedness of Dual Credit Students for the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Exams: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study, Susan Fields Speights
An Exploration of Self-Efficacy of Online Dissertation Chair-Only Faculty During the Mentoring Process: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Heather L. Strafaccia
Submissions from 2024
Perceived Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Educational Leadership's Decision-Making, Teaching, and Learning Outcomes: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Mousa Fayiz Abduljaber
The Relationship between Leadership Styles of a Principal and African-American Student Achievement in Elementary Reading, Joel James Abe
Post-Secondary Education Experiences of Military-Connected Students: A Phenomenological Study, Craig J. Alia
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Teachers When Enrolled in an Asynchronous Certification Program: A Phenomenological Study, Sara R. Allen
Home Educators’ Experiences Teaching Beginning Readers: A Phenomenological Study, Meghan K. Allred
Causal Comparative Study of Structured Literacy Knowledge Between Participants of Dyslexia Intervention Training Programs, Rhonda Rene' Alm
Military Early Childhood Educators' Experiences of Transitioning From the Creative Curriculum to Early Learning Matters (ELM) Curriculum: A Case Study, Joretta Anderson
Mentorship Experiences of College Level Educators: A Phenomenological Study, Rebecca M. Arsenault
A Predictive Correlation and Causal-Comparative Study on Early Childhood Social-Emotional Scores, Socioeconomic Status, and Academic Achievement, Denise A. Ashley
A Phenomenological Study of Novice Special Education Teachers' Experience Applying Causal Attributions to Challenging Behavior, Mandy Marie Augst
A Phenomenological Study to Understand Student Perceptions of Classroom Integration Strategies in Online Class Environments, Tanya Monique Balderrama
Exploring the Role of Curricular Engagement in the Secondary English Classroom: A Case Study, Kelsey Leah Baldwin
K-12 Teachers’ Experience with Professional Development on Implementing Intervention for Cognitive Reading Disorders and Dyslexia: A Qualitative Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Rosemary Balestieri
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Multimedia-based Pedagogy: Experiences of Elementary School Teachers in Developing Cognitively Stimulating Instruction, Siyanbola Enitan Balogun
Neurodiversity Persistence in STEM Programs: A Phenomenological Study of Self-Efficacy Among Autistic Students in Higher Education, Cecil Anthony Banning
The Academic Achievement Gap and the Cultural Experiences of Black College Students: A Phenomenological Study, Sonia Barnett
Multiple Perspectives Examining How a High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Program Affects Student Development: A Case Study, Kurt Duane Barry
Enhancing Productive Vocabulary of ESL Learners: A Qualitative Case Study, Hala Bastawros
A Phenomenological Study on the Experiences of English as a Second Language Adjuncts, Dawn Annette Bell
Predicting Educator Perceptions of Tennessee's Teacher Evaluation System: The Role of Teacher Gender, Years of Experience, and School Level Taught, Leonida T. Bell
Experiences of Educators in Implementing Mindfulness in K-6 Special Education Transition Settings: A Case Study, Matthew David Bilchak
Learners' Lived Experiences for Filling Out a Professional Development Program's Formal Evaluation After Learning About the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Framework: A Transcendental Phenomenology Study, Judine Eleanor Bishop
Social Skill Development in Teenagers with Autism Who Are Homeschooled in Rural Southwest: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Caregivers, Sondra J. Bistline
Exploring How Religiously Affiliated Schools’ Ecological Systems Influence Policies on Students with Disabilities, Michelle Lyon Bizeau
Perceptions of the Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement for 7th and 8th Grade Students in Rural California: A Predictive Correlational Study, Joshua Kenneth Blackburn
Teacher Perceptions of Principal Personality and Intent to Remain: A Causal-Comparative Study, Brittani LeAnna Blair
Post-Course Statistics Interpretation Anxiety in an Asynchronous Online Statistics Course: A Causal-Comparative Study of Traditional and Nontraditional Students, Andrea Rose Boito
Improving the Self-esteem Scores of High School Students Through Artificial Intelligence Counseling: A Quantitative, Quasi-experimental Study, Alexis Breanne Bolen
Exploring Student Perceptions of Problem-Based Learning and Clinical Field Experiences: A Phenomenological Study, Ashley Michelle Boles
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Faculty Perceptions of a Humanistic Classical Education, Nils Ivan Borquist
Experiences of Teachers Who Have Taught Physical Education Remotely: A Qualitative Study, Danielle Causer Brabston
Resilience of Teaching Juveniles: A Phenomenological Study of Teachers in Juvenile Corrections Facilities, Jessica D. Bradshaw
A Phenomenological Study Examining the Required Preparation Experiences of Academic Advisors to Help Christian High School Students Develop the Highest Academic and Future Potential, Lizzie Toler Branch
Quasi-Experimental Study of the Impact Spaced Practice and Retrieval Have on Mathematical Fact Fluency in Third-, Fourth-, and Fifth-Grade Students, Stefanie L. Breneman-Smith
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Remote Learning Among Second-Choice Homeschoolers in West Virginia: A Transcendental Phenomenology, Debra Dingess Brennan
School Culture, Teacher Experience, and Commitment: A Phenomenological Study of High School Teachers at a Cyber Charter School, Sarah Cole Brodish
The Perceptions of Army Instructional Systems Specialists Regarding a Formalized Training Program: A Phenomenological Study, Amber Danyel Elizabeth Brouillard
A Case Study of Early Childhood Educators' Self-Determination in Implementing Social Emotional Learning Pedagogy, Ingrid Brouwer
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Elementary Teachers in Inclusion Classrooms, Julie Elise Brown
Minority Students' Attitudes Toward Reading Among Those Exposed to Mirror Books and Those Who Were Not: A Causal-Comparative Study, Valcine Dyonne Brown
Preparing Early Educators to Support Young Children's Social and Emotional Development: A Phenomenological Study of Higher Education, Elizabeth Burany
A Qualitative Phenomenological Study of Secondary Student Social Interaction, Matthew D. Burch
Executive Leader Perspectives of Rural School District Organizational Resilience: A Qualitative Multiple-Case Study Inquiry, Todd S. Burke
The Impact of Disability Support Services on the Success of Student Veterans: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology, Chante Kimberly Burnell
Experiences of Resilient Military Veterans Transitioned to Education: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Troy Denward Busby
Teacher Retention in Title I Schools: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study, Jessica Marie Stetekluh Cain
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study: The School Principal's Experiences with Education Law, Vanessa Calderon Donahue
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of College Students' Experiences with College-Provided Mental Healthcare Services, Adrian M. Campbell
Examining Educational Experiences of Healthcare Providers Who Transitioned into a Different Healthcare Role: A Phenomenological Study, Dustin P. Carnell
The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Youth Enrolled in Public Urban High Schools: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Destiny Breanna Carrington
A Quasi-Experimental Study Looking at the Effect of Project-Based Learning on Sixth-Grade Students' Self-Concept, Miranda C. Carter
A Phenomenological Investigation of North Carolina's General Pre-Kindergarten Teachers' Attitudes and Perceived Self-Efficacy Toward Inclusion, Susanne Williamson Carter
Exploring the Role of Innovation Across Social and Academic Integration for First-generation Caribbean Undergraduate Persistence, Angelina Natasha Carvalhal
Educator Motivation for Acquiring Expertise to Support Students with Dyslexia: A Phenomenological Study, Maria T. Casale
Experiences Affecting Military Children's Performance in School: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology, Christopher Lee Pruitt Casely
The Relationship Between Administrators' Use of Shared Leadership Practices and Teacher Efficacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Cheryl Turner Cavanaugh
A Phenomenological Study of the Perceptions of Behavioral Supports for Students with Low Functioning Autism in Virtual Learning Programs, Alicia L. Chamberlin
Family Functionality and Social-Emotional Learning Skills for Middle School Students: A Predictive Correlational Study, Elisabeth Anne Chapman
The Perception and Lived Experiences of African International Students During Their Studies in the United States Colleges and Universities: A Phenomenological Study, Ebere V. Chukwuezi
Late to the Game: A Phenomenological Study of the Educational Experiences of Females with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tammara Clevenger
The Experience of Military Families Accessing Early Childhood Education and Care: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Kristine Clothier
A Case Study Exploring Implementation of Gamified Adaptive Learning Technology as a Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI²) Strategy in Elementary Mathematics Education, Tina Marie Clowser
General Education Teachers' Experience with Implementing Accommodations to Students with Special Needs: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study, Kari Connors Buono