Doctoral Dissertations
Submissions from 2023
Team Promotion Focus and Subordinate Deviance: A Prediction Using Leader Humility, Follower Attachment Style, and Organization Centralization, Michael Wayne Huggins
The Impact of Effective Teaching in Closing the Achievement Gap for Minority Students Entering Post-Secondary Education: A Case Study, Diamon Cymon Ike Hughes
Secondary Teachers' Perceptions Regarding Their Role in Whole Child Education: A Collective Case Study, Rhonda Millesia Idris
The Perceptions and Lived Experiences of African American Female Faculty at Predominantly White Institutions: A Phenomenological Study, Jasmine L. Jackson
Determining Relationships between Multi-tiered System of Supports to Educators' Beliefs and Perceptions, Debra Ann Johnson
A Phenomenological Exploration of the Leadership Experiences of School Leaders During COVID-19 Changes, Margaret H. Johnson
Effect of Intense Social Media Use on Middle School At-risk Students Test Scores in Science and Math: An Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis, Terry M. Johnson
Language-as-skill Approach in Foreign Language Education: A Phenomenological Study, Xiang Y. Johnson
The History and Impact of Education in Virginia during the Civil War Era, Christopher L. Jones
Enhancing Culturally Responsive Practices: A Phenomenological Study on How Elementary School Leaders Demonstrate Cultural Proficiency in Teacher Development, Dana Synora Jones
The Texas Reading Academies and the Experiences of Teachers Who Instruct Students with Disabilities: A Phenomenological Study, Suzanne S. Jones
Educators’ Perceptions of Implementing the Specialized Program Individualizing Reading Excellence: A Multiple-Case Study, Terra Elizabeth Brown Jordan
Remediation as Perceived by Community College Students: A Case Study, Amy Katherine Justice Taylor
The Lived Experiences of Challenges Faced by Female STEM Degree Holders while in Their Programs: A Phenomenological Study, Rebecca Keeter-Lee
Teachers’ Experiences with Providing Multi-Tiered Student Support for Students With Borderline Intellectual Functioning: A Qualitative Case Study, Teresa Davis Kelso
The Unvoiced Barriers of African American Females Who Did Not Persist to Graduation from a Predominantly White Technical College: A Phenomenological Study, Alisa F. Kinnebrew
K-8 Teachers' Experiences Instructing Students Diagnosed with ADHD: A Phenomenological Study, Van C. Kirchhoff
A Phenomenological Study that Examines the Perseverance of Young Single Mothers Who Have Earned a College Degree, Christine Marie Kirkpatrick
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Educators Who Seek to Recognize and Address Academic Stress in Secondary Students, Lisa M. Konieczna
Collaborative Leaders' Experiences with Student Success in Homeschool Co-op Education: A Phenomenological Study, Mandie Jeanne Koroi
Recommendations to Improve Curriculum Alignment in Core Leadership Courses at a Military Academy in the Midwest, Gloria L. Kuzmicki
Student Anxiety in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study, Daniel Moffatt Lambert
A Phenomenological Study of Academic Nurse Educators' Experiences During the Transition from Bedside Nurse to Academic Nurse Educator, Dara L. Lanman
The Impact of Instructor Immediacy and Social Presence on Online Students' Academic Success: A Hermeneutical Phenomenology Study, Colette B. Lazenka
The Difference in Oral Reading Fluency Scores among Rural, Urban, and Suburban School Locations When Using Istation, Christen Nicole Lee
An Exploration of the Role Persistence Plays for First-Generation, African American Males Enrolled at Four-Year, Primarily White Institutions: A Phenomenological Study, Daniel Michael Lee
Influence of Athletic Participation on At-Risk Students: A Phenomenological Study, Jonathan Michael Lee
Implementing Appropriate Use of Technology: A Case Study on How Rural Secondary Students Approach Digital Citizenship, Jill A. Lilly
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of What Schools Can Do To Retain Lumbee Indian Students With Disabilities Through High School To Graduation, Telisha Daniell Locklear
Attitudes and Experiences of Preservice Teachers Utilizing Video Annotation Software: A Phenomenological Study, Heather Rogers Lucas
The Impact of High School Math Teachers' Conceptions of Teaching and Learning on Implementation of Student-Centered Instructional Practices, Melissa Marie Lute
Parent Perspectives of Inclusion for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Phenomenological Study, Rebecca A. Mack
The Experiences of Teachers Providing Feedback Using One-to-One Technology on Teacher-Student Relationships: A Phenomenological Study, Robert Christopher Magee
Novice Elementary Teachers' Sense of Preparedness Incorporating Technology: A Phenomenological Study, Amanda Lynn Margiewicz
The Effect of Fifty Percent Minimum Grades on Student Achievement, James M. Mariani
Influence of Applications and Usage of Technology on Student Engagement in the Classroom a Qualitative Study, Nimrah Rae Marquez
An Investigation of the Impact of Student Satisfaction on Student Outcomes Among Undergraduate Students in a Blended Learning Environment in University A, Andrea Michelle Marshall
Attitudes of Secondary Students Toward Online and Face-to-Face Learning in Mathematics: A Quantitative Causal-Comparative Study, Rebecca J. Martin Philyaw
Shared Experiences of Novice School Principals' Mentor Training: A Phenomenological Study of the Experience of Peer Educators, Bryan Martyn
A Phenomenological Study of In-Service Expatriate Teachers’ Experiences with Inclusive Education in Chinese Private Schools, Sharon Ann Ma
Lived Experiences of Co-Teachers Including Students with Emotional Behavioral Disabilities: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Jessica Lynn Masters
The Experiences of Co-Teachers Who Co-Taught Virtually During COVID-19: A Qualitative Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Carmean Deona Matthews
Teacher Burnout: A Causal-Comparative Study of Classroom Assignment, Kimberly D. Matthews
Historically Black Colleges and University Graduates Transitioning to Predominantly White Institutions for Graduate School: A Phenomenological Study, Jessica Trenae Maxwell
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Quality-of-Life Training in Self-Regulation Skills of Young Adults with Asperger's Syndrome, Traci L. Maynard
The Effects of RtI and Computer-Based Programs on Addressing Literacy Acquisition Skills, Amanda Page McCall
Teachers' Perceptions on the Implementation of Behavioral Intervention Initiatives in Alternate Schools: A Phenomenological Study, Teddrick McCreary
A Case Study on Persistence among Financially Stressed College Students from Low-Income Families, Steven E. McDaniel
Teachers' Perspectives On School Bullying: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study, Yushonda Eileen Midgette
The Cause-Effect Relationship Between Student Engagement and Numerical Scores in Residential Higher Education FACS Courses, Chelsea Jade Milks
American Indian/Alaska Native Learners' Experiences with Embodied Cultural Capital in Alaska's Public Postsecondary Institutions: A Phenomenological Study, Victoria Jolene Solis Miller
Recommendations to Improve Active Learning Implementation at the National Security Space Institute in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Mark S. Mitchell
Student Perceptions of Learning Loss Following Traumatic Multi-Event School Closures: A Phenomenolgical Study, Robert Todd Mitchell
Learning Professionals That Leverage Learner Agency as an Asynchronous Instructional Design Strategy: A Phenomenological Study, Misha A. Mixon
The Prediction of Grade Point Average from the Linear Combination of Persistence Factors for Hispanic College Students, Laurel Lucy Mo
Predicting the Relationship between Student, Faculty, and Institutional Diversity with Graduation Rates in Higher Education, Hridya C. Mondal
The Lived Experiences of Secondary Teachers Who Give Grades and Feedback: A Phenomenological Study, Brandon Miles Moore
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Black Males Who Have Participated in a Black Male Initiative Program at a Historically Black College or University, Jenard Darrell Moore
The Lived Experiences of Student-Parents in Higher Education Who Utilize the Childcare Program at Eastern Community College: A Phenomenological Study, Kindra Lawanda Moore-Smith
Exploring the Process of Motivating Undergraduate Online Student from Online Instructors' Perspectives: A Qualitative Case Study, Nicole S. Morin
A Predictive and Causal-Comparative Study Examining Emotional Exhaustion, Workload, Surface Acting, and Inclusion on Managers, Dana M. Morris
Secondary Teacher Experiences in Professional Learning Communities: A Phenomenological Research Study, Tiphani Jo Morris
A Phenomenological Analysis of Teacher Experiences Regarding Training and Support Towards Inclusionary Practices, Dana Debianca Mosca
Recommendations to Improve the Practice of Motivating Students Academically at Brighton Middle School in Tennessee, Regina M. Moschitta
A Quantitative Study Examining Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Certification and Organizational Commitment, Melinda Nicole Myers
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Graduate School Students on Developing Human Capital through Family Life Education and Leadership Development, Francis Ngulefac
A Causal-Comparative Study of Student and Faculty Perceptions of Academic Misconduct in Advanced Practice Nursing Education, Jennifer Marie Oakes
College Students' Motivation When Acquiring a Language Other Than English, Maria Teresa O'Brien
A Multicase Study of Local Church Leaders' Perceived Impact on Reducing Inequity in Majority-Minority Urban Schools, Kenslio Ojentis
An Embedded Single-Case Study: Identifying JROTC Teachers' Leadership Practices That Influence Secondary Learning Environments, NaAngela Lolee Sue O'Neal
A Predictive Study of Factors Impacting Technology Integration in Elementary Public Charter Schools, Carrie D. Ortiz
Effective Parental Involvement in Catholic Middle Schools in Houston, Texas, Anthonia Ogochukwu Osuesu
Parent's Perceptions And Lived Experiences About Online Learning in Elementary Education: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Benjamin Owusu
The Perceived Impact of a Global Pandemic on the Academic Achievement and Social-Emotional Health of Students in the Title I Elementary Classroom: A Phenomenology, Tiffany Nicole Paige
A Phenomenological Study of Novice Teachers' Experiences with Diverse Classroom Readiness, Syreeta Nicole Palmer
Monolingual Teacher and Guardian Perceptions of School Climate and Cultural Experiences in a Dual Language In-District Public Charter School: A Case Study, Erica Valencia Pardo
A Phenomenological Study of Teachers' Experiences with Educational Gamification and its Impact on Student Engagement in the Middle School Math and Science Classroom, Kimberly Rudd Parks
The Public Montessori Journey: A Phenomenological Study of the Transition Experiences of Public Montessori Teacher Interns, Krystal Michelle Perkins
Exploring the Influence of PBIS, RTI, and MTSS Implementation on Classroom Time, Student Behavior, and Academic Achievement: A Phenomenological Study, Robert L. Pettit
Association Between Intent to Persist, Self-Efficacy, and Burnout among College First-Year STEM Students, Shereza Marina Phekni
What Would a Teacher Do?: A Case Study on Alternative School Teachers' Perceptions on Cyberbullying, Darius Cortez Philpot
The Impact of Student Achievement Based upon the Differences between Teacher Perception of Blended Learning and Their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Jason DeWayne Pizzino
Predicting Student Pragmatic Social Skills Development by Student Age and Behavior Classification, Christopher Justin Pope
Impact of School Closures and Virtual Instruction on Sixth Grade Reading and Math Achievement of Student Subgroups, Crystal Michelle Pope
African American Males, Who Attended Urban High Schools, Concerning Their Academic Achievement in North Carolina: A Phenomenological Study, Jermaine Lee Porter
Project-Based Learning and its Impact on High School Students' Attitudes Towards Mathematics: A Quantitative Study, David E. Postlethwait
Understanding the Role of Parent-Teacher Communication in Motivating Elementary School Students: A Case Study, Brittany Rose Powers
Challenging the Gifted Learner Virtually: A Phenomenological Study, Amanda Jeane Price
Eastern Orthodox Christians, Education, and Conflict: A Grounded Theory Study, Cole Tucker Puterbaugh
The Predictive Ability of Early Reading Indicators and Spelling on Oral Reading Fluency, Jessie MacKenzie Reed