Doctoral Dissertations
Submissions from 2022
A Case Study Examining How Teachers and Parents Provide Strategies that Nurture the Academic and Social Development of Young Black Children in Low-Socioeconomic Communities, Naomi Nyambura Karaya
A Correlational Study of Noncognitive Variables and Student Success in Dental Education, Jennifer Lynn Keim Wibbeler
Facilitating Conditions that Increase Faculty Perceived Usefulness of Learning Management Systems: A Multiple-Case Study, Darnell S. Kemp
A Study of K-12 Classroom Teachers' Concerns and Perceived Self-Efficacy in Implementing Inclusive Teaching Practices to Instruct Students with Disabilities, Pankaj Khazanchi
Community-Based Physician Assistant Clinical Education: A Case Study on Motivations, Reinforcement, and Barriers for Recruiting and Retention, Clayton James King
Recruitment and Retention of Male High School Peer Mentors: A Phenomenological Study, Elaine Ann King
A Transcendental Phenomenology of Teachers' Experiences with Common Referral and Assessment Practices of Twice-Exceptional Minority Students, Margeaux Kittles
A Phenomenology of Student Perceptions about the Impact of Participation in the Advanced Placement Program on College Readiness, Leah Michelle Kliewer
Exploring How Catholic School Leaders Use the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools as a Framework for Accreditation: A Single Case Study, Andrew Michael Kremer
A Case Study of Cultural Awareness Integration Throughout the Elementary Education Curriculum, Kristina Nicole Laird-Arnold
Mobile Learning Among Students in a Private, Title I High School: A Phenomenological Study, George Lasley III
A Comparison of Combat Veterans and Non-Combat Veteran's Perceptions of Adjustment to College, Cynthia Louise Lawrence
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Attachment Bonding Experiences of At-Risk Students Who Graduated High School, Nancy Marie Lawrence
The Effects of Epistemic Beliefs on Undergraduate Students' Emotions and Attitudes towards Genetically Modified Foods, David Andrew Lee
The Relationship Between Game Art Students’ Achievement and Their Perceived Quality of Assessment, Nicole R. Lesher
Barriers in Motivation to Pursue a STEM Career Among Students From Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Daniel Khanh Lieu
Prevalence and Correlates of Food and Housing Insecurities at a Historically Black College, Melissa Massey Lockard
The Effect Of Alternative Lunch Schedule and Traditional Lunch Schedule On North Carolina School English II and Math I End Of Course Test Scores, Kristina Nicole Boone Lowe
Faith Development in Eighth-Grade Christian Students Studying Creation-Theory-Based Science: A Phenomenological Study, Stephen Matthew Lowe
A Phenomenological Study of Secondary Teachers’ Experiences With a Mandated Transition to and From Synchronous Online Instruction, Susan P. Lyman
The Predictive Relationship between Grit, Servant Leadership, and Growth Mindset in Public School Administrators, Dawn E. Lyons
Experiences of Homeschool High School Students in the Development of Their Educational Plan: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Melissa Lyn MacConney
See Me: A Grounded Theory Study of Aspiring Women Leaders in Student Affairs, Michele Anne Magliulo
The Application of Praxis in High School Classrooms: A Qualitative Case Study, Tonia R. Maher
The Impact of Extracurricular Activities and Attendance on Student Achievement at a Mississippi Community College, Amanda Hyde Marbury
A Case Study Examining School Leadership and General Education Teachers' Perceived Preparedness for Inclusion of Students with High-Functioning Autism, Melony Yvonne Marciniak
Teachers’ Years of Experience, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender as Predictors of Their Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Self-Efficacy Beliefs: A Correlational Study, Faye Marshall-Sterling
The Relationship Between Instructor Self-Efficacy and Online Course Success Rates at a Community College, Denise Sara Martin
The Lived Experience of Athletic Training Faculty Who Have Transitioned to a Master of Athletic Training Program Including interprofessional Education: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Shelby Nicole Martin
The Relationship Between Student Perceptions of School Climate Domains and Academic Achievement in Rural Schools, Robbie W. Mason
Promoting Self-Regulated Learning and Intrinsic Motivation in the Middle School Choral Classroom Through e-Portfolio Assessment: A Qualitative Instrumental Case Study, Melissa Legge Mauck
An Exploration of Twice-Exceptional Educators' Experiences: A Hermeneutic Study, Courtney McKnight
A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Parents as They Choose the Appropriate Classroom for Their Child with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, Lorie Michele Mick
How Teachers Perceive Educational Programs in Juvenile Justice Facilities: Case Study, Connie Faye Mitchell
The Relationship between the Amount of Training Time and Perceived Training Effectiveness to Teacher Perceptions about the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Framework, Victoria Leigh Harr Morley
Measuring Teachers' Knowledge of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury in the Classroom, Alana C. Moser
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of the Motivational Experiences of United States Service Members Attending College While on Active Duty, Sean L. Mulvaney
Predicting K-12 Teacher Self-Efficacy From Neuroscience Literacy Factors, Tobey Lewis Nichols
Teacher Beliefs in Title I Schools Compared to Teacher Beliefs in Nontitle I Schools, Tammy Rene Nolan
Differences In Test Anxiety Levels Among Elementary Students: A Causal-Comparative Study, Candice Lynn Nurney
The Correlation Between Self-Efficacy, Differentiated Instruction, and Gifted Training in Schools Serving Students Originating From Under-Resourced Homes, Amy Dean O'Dell
Online Doctoral Persistence: A Case Study Exploring the Use of Technology for Connectedness, Folarinwa Ojuola
Examining Synchronous Technology and Corrective Feedback in High School Mathematics Courses: A Collective Case Study, Sharon Owens
Improving Post-Secondary College and Career Awareness and Readiness at a Rural Career and Technical Center in Northern Virginia, Janet Lynn Pack
Best Practices of Exceptional College Professors Who Program Relevance into Online Distance Learning Courses: A Phenomenological Study, Keri Ann Palasz
The Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Student Learning of Fractions in Middle School Mathematics, Rebecca Love Palculict
Improving Transition Services For Students With Intellectual Disability at Giles County High School, Catherine Claire Paul
Anxiety In Healthcare Actors Post Difficult Topic Healthcare Simulation Based Learning Activity, Sarah Elizabeth Pearce
A Case Study on How School Leaders Foster a Safety Culture in Secondary School, Breck Laster Perry
Attrition in United States Air Force MQ-9 Instructor Pilots: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Isabelle Ione Perry
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study Exploring the Perception of Scholarship Requirements for Tenure and Promotion in Health Professions Programs, Harrynauth Persaud
A Phenomenological Study on Teachers' Lived Experience With Self-Efficacy Teaching Face-to-Face Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic, James Scott Phillips
The Lived Experience of Personnel Adversely Impacted by Toxic Leadership: A Phenomenological Study, Jeremy B. Piasecki
A Multi-case Study of the Challenges African American Male Teachers Encounter in the Early Childhood Classroom, Cherail Nicole Pollard
A Causal-Comparative Study:The Effects of School Type and School Climate on Mathematical Achievement, Rebekah Lynn Price
Middle and High School Resource Officers’ Perceptions of Zero-Tolerance Policies’ Impact on Economically Disadvantaged Minority Students: A Multicase Study, Ashley Simone Proctor
A Phenomenological Study Examining the Experiences of Public School Teachers who Provide Support for Chronically Absent Students at the Elementary School Level, Robert Lenn Ralston
Cognitive Conflict Levels Between Middle School Students With Learning Disabilities and Students Without Learning Disabilities, Stephanie Elizabeth Randall
The Effects of Remote Learning on SLIFE Students from Central America During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sarah Katherine Richter
The Relationship Between Technology Readiness and Online Professional Development, Scott Farrell Ringkamp
Teachers’ Experiences on Adaptations to Instructional Practices on the Transition to the Common Core State Standards: A Phenomenological Study, Elsie Fabiola Riveiro Torres
The Relationship of Perceived Learning and Self-Regulated Learning of Undergraduate Students and the Curiosity Scores Generated by Packback, Rosemarie Rizzuto
The Effect of Learner Profiling on Fourth Grade English Students' PIRLS Achievement Scores of Students Whose Teachers Are Credentialed or Non-Credentialed, Raynor Stuart Roberts
Using Elements of Professional Military Education to Develop Cognitive Interoperability Among Multinational Military Officers: A Case Study, Steven Dale Rosson
A Phenomenological Study of Experiences of Veteran High School Special Education Teachers Who Remain in the Profession, Harold Alexander Russell
A Phenomenological Study: The Lived Experience of Self-Described Math-Anxious Students Attending College Online, Toni Nicole Sawhill
A Phenomenological Study of One-to-One Paraeducators' Self-Efficacy in Self-Contained Special Education Programs, Deborah Schloemer-Frazer
Grit as a Predictor of Academic Achievement Among Street-Connected Boys in Bungoma, Kenya: A Quantitative Study, Brigid Siobhan Scripa
Understanding Student Experiences of College Mental Health-Related Resources and Policies Since the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study, Donna Aron Sepulveda-Shelton
Participation in Collision, Contact, and Noncontact Sports and Academic Outcomes at a United States Service Academy, Benjamin Thomas Showman
A Phenomenological Study Design of Receiving Student Feedback: Professor Shared Experiences, James Sigler
Case Study: Exploration into Principal's Educational Leadership Training and Their Preparation to Lead Special Education Programs in Schools, Tyriq D'shon Simmons
School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) and the Effects on the Academic Success of Students, Denise Taylor Sims
Secondary Educators' Experiences Implementing Formative Assessment in Rural Southern Maryland: A Transcendental Phenomenological Qualitative Study, Bonnie J. Skinner
Teacher-Student Relationships Influencing Classroom Management of Challenging Behaviors: A Case Study, Kristen Slifko
Perspectives of Elementary Teachers, Counselors and Administrators on Restorative Practices in Elementary Schools: A Phenomenological Study, Aundrea Denise Smiley
Student Perceptions of Meaningful Learning, Behaviors Towards Learning Experiences, and Academic Performance in Aeronautical Courses: A Quantitative Research Study, Andrea Lynn Smith
A Phenomenological Study of Trauma-Informed Teaching During a Global Education Disruption, Angelique Susan Smith
Understanding the School Counselor's Experience as They Transition to Meet the Demands of Their Job: A Phenomenological Study, Crystal Michelle Smith
Understanding Contemporary Postsecondary Parental Academic Involvement: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research Inquiry, Dennis Allen Smith
A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Graduate Occupational Therapy Students Using a Magic Trick-Themed Intervention, Kevin Wayne Spencer
Full-Hearted Leading: A Multiple Case Study of Principals' Sensemaking toward Implementing Moral Character Development in Elementary Schools, Kimberly Renee Starks
The Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Professional Development on the Job Satisfaction of Pre-Kindergarten Teachers, Amanda Mulledy Stevens
The Experiences of Elementary School Teachers Teaching in a Virtual Learning Program who have Established Presence in the Classroom: A Phenomenological Study in the Southeastern U.S., Amy Tyler Stevenson
Learning Loss in Passage Reading Fluency for Elementary Students During Covid-19 School Closure, David Neil Stone
Military Command Authority: A Phenomenological Study of How U.S. Army Company-Grade Leaders Experience Insubordination, Thomas Woods Stone
Causal Comparative Study of the Compassion Satisfaction of School Counselors Working with Students Engaging in Self-Harm, Raymond Edward Storms
Burnout in Virginia's Community College Adjuncts with Relation to Gender, Age, and Number of Jobs Held, Justin Barrett Stowe
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Teacher Perceptions of the Effects Movement Strategies Have On Student Learning, Mary Catherine Strickland
Relationship Between Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Teacher Age, and Years of Experience of Teachers of Languages Other Than English and Their Perceived Leadership, Maryna Svirska-Otero
A Case Study Investigating Teachers' Use of Strategies to Address Anxiety Toward Reading in First-Grade and Second-Grade Students, Sherri Friddle Swaim
Learning the Host Nation Language While Living Abroad as a Military Adolescent, a Transcendental Phenomenology, Simone Sweatman
A Phenomenological Study of Trauma, Creativity, Resilience, and Artistic Inspiration, James William Teachenor II
The Relationship between Servant Leadership and Self-Efficacy among Law Enforcement Officers in Western North Carolina, Anthony Scott Teague
Gatekeepers of Family and Consumer Sciences: A Quantitative Study Exploring Factors Influencing Administrator and Counselor Perceptions of Family and Consumer Sciences, Amber Nicole Tiernan
A Phenomenological Study Exploring the Lived Experience of Students Who Have Failed a Nursing Course: Try Again or Move On?, Deborah K. Tonelli