"A Culturally Responsive Implementation Process of a School-Wide Behavi" by Ina Ramos




School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD)


Janet Deck


culturally responsive teaching, culturally relevant pedagogy, inclusiveness, MTSS, equity, disproportionate discipline


Education | Elementary Education


The purpose of this descriptive case study was to describe if the process of the implementation of a school-wide behavior program within a Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) framework in elementary schools for educators, staff, and students would be culturally responsive and inclusive. The MTSS framework for behavior was generally defined as social-emotional behavior. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory and self-efficacy belief was the framework for this study as it explained the significance of the relationship between the program using a framework, such as MTSS, and the importance of being culturally responsive. The methodology that were used included interviews, focus group interviews, and a questionnaire for a variety of educators at various elementary schools and a document analysis and a comparison of those districts and schools that have already implemented MTSS for behavior across the United States. The participants were teachers from more than one school and district. The results of this study show teachers building positive relationships with students and having support from school level and above school level administrators are important factors to implement a culturally responsive MTSS-B framework.
