"Christian Latino Therapists’ Experiences In Integrating Psychology And" by Luis F. Ramos




School of Behavioral Sciences


Doctor of Education in Community Care and Counseling (EdD)


Mollie Evans Boyd


Latino, psychotherapy, NYC, Heidegger, phenomenology, experience


Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences


This qualitative, phenomenological study aimed to examine Christian Latino therapists' experiences integrating psychology and theology while providing therapy in New York City and maintaining client autonomy. The theory guiding this study was Martin Heidegger's phenomenological analysis of these lived experiences. The questions in the study were to determine: (a) how the participants understood their role in the provision of therapy, (b) how the participants described their experiences in providing therapy, (c) what the participants learned about themselves in the provision of therapy, (d) what methods the participants used in the integration of psychology and theology, and (e) how the participants protected client autonomy in the provision of therapy. Participants were interviewed, and their responses were collectively analyzed. Several themes emerged from participant interviews. These included: (1) making connections with clients, teaching the client that grief and the need for counseling are normal, and encouraging the client to trust in the counseling process, (2) skepticism in the counseling process and the stigma attached to counseling, (3) Christian faith and belief being essential to their practice, (4) teaching about over-spiritualizing, and accepting client beliefs without undermining psychological principles, and (5) setting boundaries and explaining appropriate limits with respect allowed both therapist and client to express themselves freely in counseling sessions.

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