This is a freely-accessible collection of dissertations written by Liberty University students.


Submissions from 2017


Unregulated Space: Text-Messaging Habits as a Predictor of Punctuation Errors in the Academic Writing of College Students, Robert Ryan Achuff


A Phenomenological Study of Collaborative Learning: Understanding the Perceptions, Values, and Experiences of Freshmen Language Arts Students, Teachers, and One Administrator, Sheryl Ackers


Factors that Predict Persistence for Non-Immigrant, International Students at a Private, Four-Year University in Georgia, Shawn Adams


Student Engagement: An Assessment of Motivation Processes during Late Elementary School, Christine A. Akagi


Ten Essential Lessons Learned when Transitioning from a Long-Term Tenured Pastor in the African American Baptist Church, Marcus Allen


A Causal Comparative Study of Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of School Climate within Elementary Schools in a School District, Clyde Alston


Corporatization of the Church Compromises Christian’s Priorities, Purpose, and Practices, Edwin Alston

Corporatization of the Church Compromises Christian’s Priorities, Purpose, and Practices, Edwin Brandon Alston


Before God and These Witnesses: An Evangelistic Guide to Weddings, David Anderson


Developing an Effective Biblical Method for the Rediscovery of Accountability in Christian Discipleship, Jamie Archer


Spiritual Formation: A Model to Strengthen the Mission, Operation, and Commitment of African American Churches, Anthony Bailey


Doxology and Discipleship: Principles for How the Worship Leader Functions Pastorally, Robert Balentine

Doxology and Discipleship: Principles for How the Worship Leader Functions Pastorally, Robert Zeb Balentine


How Service Learning Opportunities Impact Transformational Learning Experiences for Grades 6-12 School Students: A Case Study, Sherry Ballew


A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Nurse Educators with Prior Military Careers, Susan Ball


A Character Education Program Taught to Parents and Its Effects on Perceived Parent-Child Relationship and Academic Performance, Vernon Ball

A Character Education Program Taught to Parents and Its Effects on Perceived Parent-Child Relationship and Academic Performance, Vernon Dewitt Ball


A Church Planting Church in South Korea: A Case Study on Missional Outreach, Deokjong Bang


The Impact of Financial Aid on Graduation Rates for First-Year Developmental Community College Students in North Carolina, Eric Douglas Barnes


Student Perceptions of Type II Alternative School Experiences: A Phenomenological Investigation of Motivational Factors that Influence Persistence Toward Graduation, Michael Barrett


The Effects of Contract Activity Packages on Boredom in a Sixth-Grade Accelerated Math Class, JoAnna Bartlett

Integrating Google Apps and Google Chromebooks Into the Core Curriculum: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Public School Teachers, Paula Bartolo


Integrating Google Apps and Google Chromebooks Into the Core Curriculum: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Public School Teachers, Paula Bartolo


A Transcendental Phenomenological Study Examining Parents' Perceptions Regarding the Enrollment of Children with Learning Differences in an NILD Program in a K-12 Christian School, Wendy Wallis Bayer


A Quantitative Analysis of Virginia Public School Special Education Due Process Cases and Their Resolutions from 2004-2016, Valerie Beaudoin-Saunders