Submissions from 2020
Paul’s Use of Leviticus 19:18: A Comparative Analysis with Select Second Temple Jewish Texts, Corey D. Rugh
Identifying Risk Factors for and Responding to Religious/Spiritual Distress in Transplant Patient Populations, Amber Nicole Ryman
Tracing Relations Between Attachment, Social Media Use, Self-Esteem, Loneliness, and Depression: A Mediation Model, Meagan Patricia Sabo
Limits and Possibilities of the United States Military in Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Stabilization, Alcir Florentino dos Santos Neto
English as a Lingua Franca: Improving Technical Writing and Communication Methods for International Audiences, Lauren Alyssa Serrani
The Need for Christian Authors in Mainstream Fiction, Ashley Renea Starnes
Moral Rivals: The Intersection Between Puritanism and Piracy in the 17th and 18th Centuries, Amy Stewart
A Study Analyzing the Practice of Resilience of the Chaplain/Self-Care and Wellness in the Ministry of the Chaplain, Javier M. Torres-Chinea
Turning the Page: A Design Thinking Approach to Increasing Literacy Advocacy in West Alabama, Justin C. Walters
Political Hebraism’s Involvement and Significance in the American Founding, Mitch Wardell
The Power of Gratitude (A Worship Service), Joe G. Wehunt
Christmas In The Lutheran Tradition: A Worship Service of Music and the Word, Brian E. White
"Seeing" Music Theory: Graduate Music Theory for the Visually Impaired Music Student, Moriah Leigh Wilson
Modern Myths: Adding to America's Cultural Heritage, Kathryne E. Wood
Attraction to Both Genders and The Link to Depression Mediated by The Big Five and Permissiveness in Relationships, Jolene Elizabeth Wyman
The Knowledge of Lazarus and Raskolnikov: Expansive Epistemology and the Moral Argument for Theism, Josiah Lee Yates
Music of the World: From Jazz to Hip-hop, Michael Young
In Search of a More Republican Naval Defense: Thomas Jefferson, Congress, and the Gunboat Debate, 1802-1810, Ethan David Zook
Submissions from 2019
Combating Human Trafficking in the United States: Causes, Misconceptions, and Indicators, Mariah A. Andrade
Design Your Career - Design Your Life, Joshua R. Beal
The Theological Implications of κατάπαυσίν and σαββατισμὸς in Hebrews 3:7–4:11, Sean M. Best
The Effect of Ethnic Identity on Biblical Unity in Its Role as an Apologetic, Caroline Boozer
Reexamining Amos’ Use of Rhetorical Questions in Hebrew Prophetic Rhetoric, Matthew Bovard
Flying Tigers, Black Sheep: Legends in the Pacific, Delynn Burrell