Submissions from 2020
Arguments from Evil and the Parenting Style(s) of God, Kyle Dean Gazlay
Living My Best Life Gifting Program, Jessica Gilmore
British Piracy Policy In Jamaica, Aaron M. Goins
Board Game Under Construction: Putting the Design in Game Design, Cory S. Gurley
Women in Ministerial Leadership Roles, Sherith Carline Gutzmer
Biblical Principles of Music and Worship, Tim Alan Hall
Teaching Elementary School Music: A Composition Approach, Lauren Amanda Hammer
Traumatic Clergical Ministry Leads to Vicarious Trauma, PTSD, and Ministry Burnout, Teresa Denine Hanson
The New Left in American Evangelicalism, Jonathan E. Harris
In-Training Improvement: A Tactical Athletic Approach to Enhance the Performance and Wellness of Law Enforcement Officers, Shai-Enne Kerry Haynes
Appalachian Folk Music in the High School General Music Class, Caitlin Jayne Hetland
Determining the Impacts of Exercise Participation on Disaster Response, Tanya Jean Hockett
Creating a Music Education Curriculum Based on Current Teaching Strategies, Stanley K. Holloway
Voluntary Hypoventilation at Low Lung Volume (VHL) During Strength and Conditioning Training Increases Anaerobic Performance: A Pilot Study, Zachary Taylor Hundley
Moments of Music: A Qualitative Case Study in a Metropolitan Community Chorus, Katherine Iooss
Raising Consciousness: Challenging Diversity in Christian Publishing, Michael Omari Johnson
An Examination and Critique of the Compatibility and Coherence of Brian Leiter’s Naturalized Jurisprudence with the American Legal Framework, Michael L. Keck
Secondary School Chorus: Practical Implication of Praxial Music Education In Sight-Singing and Ear-Training, Euna P. Kim
Learning to Play a Musical Instrument Affects Student Behavioral Health, Christopher Lafser
The End is Upon Us: Attila the Hun and the Christian Apocalypse, Nathan Landrum
A Comparison of Vertical Ground Reaction Forces in Single-leg Jump Take-offs and Double-leg Jump Take-offs in Indoor Collegiate Volleyball Players, Margaret Elisabeth Latchford, Maggie McDermott, Austin Deshner, Moroni de Moors, and Will W. Peveler
Final Opportunities for Healthcare Chaplains to Share the Gospel to Those Facing End of Life, Michal Lynn Lee
Principles for Starting a Song-Writing Ministry, Carson Ka Siu Li
The Resurrection of Christ: A Bayesian Analysis of Explanatory Hypotheses, Nicola Jérôme Liebi
Folk Music in New England: A Living Tradition, Monica Diane Littlefield