Submissions from 2020
Principles for Creating Original Content for the Worship Service, Ian Schumacher Black
The John Allen House and Tryon’s Palace: Icons of the North Carolina Regulator Movement, H. Gilbert Bradshaw
Diversity in Worship: The Integration of Historic Works into the Contemporary Worship Service, as Illustrated by the Oboe, Bethany Eileen Butler
Barren: A Case Study Using Art in Religious Instruction to Foster Empathy by Providing Deeper Insight and Encouraging Contemporary Dialogue, Esther Hi'ilani Candari
Easily Read, Easily Forgotten: Reassessing the Effects of Visual Difficulties and Multi-Modality in Educational Text Design, Rebekah Cochell
Chopin's Musical Elements, Kaitlyn Collier
Getting After the “Dark Figure” of Reid: A Meta-Analysis, Douglas A. Coolidge
Marks the Spot, Timothy Paul Crane
King James VI and I: Witch-Hunter and Protector of the Realm, Joni Raylene Creed
MeritPatch - Family Collaborative Activities, Jason Allan Crouch
Originality, Decorum, and Fantastic Sight in Dostoevsky's The Idiot, Richard A. Decker
The Impact of Political Culture on Political Reactions: A Case Study of EU Sanctions on Russia, Kenzie Robin De Keyser
A Musically Embedded Curriculum for Rural Elementary Schools, Rachael Marie DuBay
Staves & Stones: The Truth of Runic Tradition, Josiah John Duff
Composition in the Diatonic Modes: Past and Present Function and a Praxial Curriculum Suggestion, Margaret Cherise Eddy
Imagined Spaces: Land, Identity, and Kuban' Cossack State-Building in Revolutionary Russia, 1917-1922, Grace Ehrman
Be Still: A Pedagogical Analysis of Mindfulness-Based Practices in Vocal Music Education, Hattie Hannah Elder
Google It! Supplementing Instructional Material in the Secondary Band Classroom with the Google Suite, Jacob Elder
Designing Clarity: Utilizing Graphic Design to Enhance Media Functionality for the Visually Impaired, Jeremy Curtis Ellison
Gamification Strategies for Music Educators: An Online Continuing Education Course, Luis Enrique Espinosa
Discipling Instrumentalists for Worship and Evangelism, Nicole Fasco
Global Englishes: Variations of a Single Language in All English Classrooms, Amanda Leigh Faulkenberry
The Quest of Love: A Liturgical Reading of The Pilgrim's Progress, Matthew Charles Fox
Follow Me: Following Jesus with Your Head, Heart, Hands, and Feet, Vincent Dodge Frampton
Food Packages That Make Choosing Better, Easy, Shelley Tate Garner