Submissions from 2015
FINGERPAINT: A Drama in Two Acts, Audrey A. Moore
Contextualization: Tanzanian Maasai Culture and the Implications for Worship and Women’s Ministry, Alexandra T. Morgan
Diabetes Self-Management Education for Adolescent Patients: The Importance of a Developmentally Sensitive Approach, Laura Mumme
The Role of Music in the Enhancement of Marketing, Kaitlyn V. Neese
Malibu Jackson 3: Boldest Move Yet - A Study of Screenwriting, Parody, and Mullet-Clad Action Heroes, Caleb D. Nelson
Holy Places, Dark Paths: Till We Have Faces and the Spiritual Conflicts of C.S. Lewis, Joshua G. Novalis
The Effects of the Internet on Marketing, Alexander M. Payne
Establishing a Solid Foundation through an Identity in Christ, Matthew S. Pedersen
Statins and Kidney Failure, Rebekah Pemberton
Machines and Agency: Understanding the AI Ethics Problem, Addison T. Rahn
Use of Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Peanut Allergies in the Pediatric Population, Bethany Rauscher
Group Prenatal Care: Striving for Improved Infant Outcomes Around the World, Gabrielle N. Regnaert
The Values of Nations: The Fate of Nations is Not Predetermined, Daniel Reiher
Business as Missions: Applying Business as Missions to the Hospitality Industry, Leah J. Reist
The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Child Abuse and Their Implications for the Suggested Length of Physical and Psychosocial Treatment Regimens, Christine M. Ruff
Illness and God's Will, John Sherret
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations Using Differential Forms and Lie Groups, Richard M. Shumate
The Economic and Financial Effect of Single Parent Homes, Douglas Sidey
The Predestination Debate: A Harmony of Corporate Election and Individual Election, Bradley Smith
Nonstandard Languages: The Outcasts of the Language Revitalization Movement, Whitney Snowden
Handling Human Hacking: Creating a Comprehensive Defensive Strategy Against Modern Social Engineering, Charles Snyder
Socially and Biblically Responsible Investing, Adam Stalcup
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome: A Pathophysiology and Cultural Perspective of Treatment in Sub-Saharan Africa, Kari N. Stanley
The Correlation Between Maternal Diabetes and Birth Defects, Erin Stanton
Auctor in Fabula: Umberto Eco and the Intentio of Foucault's Pendulum, Douglas Stephens IV