
Laura MummeFollow

Publication Date

Spring 4-21-2015


School of Nursing


Nursing (B.S.N.)


Type 1 Diabetes, Adolescence, Patient Education, Motivational Interviewing, Adolescent Development, Insulin, Patient Teaching, Glucose


Developmental Psychology | Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism | Health Psychology | Pediatric Nursing | Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing


The attention of healthcare providers to the developmental level of adolescent patients with type one diabetes (T1D) maximizes effective patient education and glycemic control. Due to the dynamic changes that occur in the mind and body during adolescence, self-care for adolescent T1D patients is overwhelming as it envelopes activities of everyday life. The disease process and the unique aspects of adolescence in relation to T1D are important for caregivers to consider. Developmentally appropriate teaching during the initial onset of the disease must inform the patient and the patient’s family of the basics of the disease process and the daily care necessary for survival. Continuous and gradually increasing education is accomplished through regular appointments with the healthcare provider as well as through the gradual handing over of self-care responsibility from the parent to the adolescent. The physical and social needs of the adolescent should be incorporated into the education for the best results in compliance and adherence to the diabetes regimen. Motivational interviewing (MI) is an effective intervention for patients who are entering puberty and who experience increased ambivalence toward diabetes self-management.
