Submissions from 2016
Prenatal Alcohol and Nicotine Exposure and the Subsequent Cognitive and Behavioral Deficits Seen in Children, Abigail P. Stewart
Jesus With a Kalashnikov: Examining Marxist Elements in Liberation Theology and Soviet Influence on its Origins, Todd "Cameron" Swathwood Jr
The Utilization of Exogenous Surfactant in the Neonate, Katherine Thorkildsen
Business as Ministry Impacts Poverty, Ashley E. Tilghman
Increasing Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in the Millennial Workforce, Courtney A. Tschantz
Embryo Adoption as an Ethical Option for Couples Faced With Infertility, Rachel M. Walters
Revisiting Japan’s Gross National Cool: Exporting Japanese Animation in the International Marketplace, Joseph P. Wentz
The Importance of C.S. Lewis to Faith-Based Theatre as Seen in The Silver Chair, Andrew J. Wilkinson
From Common Core to Charter: The Economic Remedy to NC Education, Hunter B. Winstead
The Effects of the United States Government on Educators, Jessica Marie Zollinhofer
Submissions from 2015
Cumulonimbus Computing Concerns: Information Security in Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud Computing, Daniel Adams
The Relationship Between the Christian Music Industry and Church Worship Music, Julianne E. Ashbaugh
The Preservation of a Way of Life: A Look at the Sustainability of Family-Operated Ranches, Hannah M. Austin
A Study of Idioms in Relation to Language Universals, Kathryn Ayers
Promoting Maternal-Newborn Bonding During the Postpartum Period, Kristen L. Baber
The Impact of Victor Hugo’s Writings from Exile upon the French Second Empire, Jon C. Bateman
The Impact of a Support Group for Mentors, Joel Bates
Supernatural Cosmic Origins: Challenging the Reigning Paradigm, Rachel Blattner
The Failure of “She:" An Evaluation of Solutions to Gendered Language, Mary L. Bobbitt
Helping Missionary Kid Repatriation, Angela Bredeman
In Restless Character: A Short Story and Writing Analysis, Emily Buechner
“Ab-Soul’s Outro,” “HiiiPower,” and the Vernacular: Kendrick Lamar’s Rap As Literature, Tyler S. Bunzey
The Benefits of Breastfeeding, Helen L. Byers
Cultivate: Inspiring Women in Their Pursuit of Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Ana P. Campbell
Simple Secrecy: Analog Stream Cipher for Secure Voice Communication, John M. Campbell