Doctoral Dissertations
Submissions from 2013
The Harmonic Implications of the Non-Harmonic Tones in the Four-Part Chorales of Johann Sebastian Bach, Timothy Willingham
Understanding Teachers' Perceptions of Academic Coaching Quality in an On-Site Professional Development Program, Phillip Wood
The Relation Between High School Teacher Sense of Teaching Efficacy and Self-Reported Attitudes Toward the Inclusive Classroom Settings, Heather Wright
A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Non-Completers in Online Doctor of Education Programs, Bernadette Wyman
Submissions from 2012
The Impact of Classroom Performance System-Based Instruction with Peer Instruction upon Student Achievement and Motivation in Eighth Grade Math Students, Tracy Hunter Allison
The Effectiveness of School-Wide Positive Behavior Programs in Georgia Middle Schools, Kristy Rutland Arnold
A Phenomenology of Academic Support in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Homes of At-Risk Students, David Barber
Teacher Empowerment in the Implementation of Response to Intervention: A Case Study, Evie Taff Barge
School Board Members and the Underrepresentation of Women in the Superintendency: A Case Study, Cherri S. Barker
An Investigation of English Learners' Acquisition of Academic Language to Obtain Reading Comprehension Skills, Mishka Barnes
What Do Middle School Boys Read? An Observation of Middle School Boys' Reading Choices, Sheilah Cooper Barnett
The Impact of Race and Education on Gifted Students of Color: A Case Study of High School Gifted Students of Color, Rouel Cornejo Belleza
Perceived Factors Influencing the Retention Rate of Native American College Students: A Case Study, Tamara Louise Bergstrom
The Relationship Between Principal Turnover and Student Achievement in Reading/English Language Arts and Math Grades Six Through Eight, Darren Berrong
Single-Sex Education Versus Coeducation in North Georgia Public Middle Schools, Catherine Blake
Correlation Between Academy of Reading and Georgia End of Course Test, Barry Brazelton
Effect of Music Integrated Instruction on First Graders' Reading Fluency, Kerry Bryant
Examining Factors That Predict School Psychologists' Perceptions of the Response to Intervention Process, Terry Bullock
Comparison of Pass Assessment Scores in Single-Gender and Heterogeneous Middle Schools in South Carolina, Patricia Canada
Determining if Instructional Delivery Model Differences Exist in Remedial English, LaTanya Carter
The Impact of Teacher Attitudes and Perceptions of Direct Instruction on Student Achievement in Reading, Sharon Collum
Success Factors Identified by Academically Successful African-American Students of Poverty, Meredith Cooler
The Correlation between the Three Reading Fluency Subskills and Reading Comprehension in At-Risk Adolescent Readers, Craig Courbron
The Correlation of the Perceived Leadership Style of Middle School Principals to Teacher Job Satisfaction and Efficacy, Jack Dale Jr.
Using Eighth Grade Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests to Predict Student Achievement on the Georgia End of Course Tests, Janice Darnell
The Effects of Technology Instruction on the Academic Achievement of Fifth Grade Students, Karen Davis
Exploring Relationships Among Teaching Styles, Teachers' Perceptions of their Self-Efficacy and Students' Mathematics Achievement, Christi Davis-Langston
Assessing Intrinsic Values of a Lecture-Free High School Science Education for Collegiate Science Work: A Case Study, Christopher Dorais
A Phenomenological Investigation of Male At-Risk Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade Students' Perceptions Toward Reading, Jason Douma
Rhode Island School Terrorist Attack Preparedness, Michael Dube
Exploring Hispanic Teenage Pregnancy and School Resiliency: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology Study, Olga Estrada
Factors Influencing Teachers' Technology Self-Efficacy: A Case Study, Amy Farah
Mentoring Programs: Key Differences in Support for Beginning Teachers, Virginia Fick
An Examination of Newbery Medal Books From the 1920s Through the 2000s: Biblical Perspective, Kimberly Fleming
The Effects of the Family on Student Achievement: A Comparative Study of Traditional Nontraditional Families, Melinda Fonteboa
Gifted Hispanic Identity: Exploring Relationships Among Resilience, Goals and Academic Orientation, Matthew Forrester
Augustinian Philosophy: Between Critical Pedagogy and Neo-Scholasticism, Emad Francis
A Phenomenology of Nonparticipation in Extracurricular Activities by Hispanic Middle School Students, Janelle Garner
Standards-Based Assessment and High Stakes Testing: Accuracy of Standards-Based Grading, Amity Hardegree
Peer Mentoring: Effects on Ninth Grade Student Achievement, Michael Hardegree
A Comparison of a Gifted Education Program Among Eighth Grade Gifted Students at a Georgia Junior High School, Jerry Clark Harden
Teachers and Hand-Held Graphing Technology: An Examination of Concerns, Edward Helton
The Effect Different Synchronous Computer Mediums Have on Distance Education Graduate Students' Sense of Community and Feelings of Loneliness, Lorene Heuvelman-Hutchinson
Self-Efficacy and Classroom Management: A Correlation Study Regarding the Factors that Influence Classroom Management, Stephanie Hicks
Effects of a Developmental Boot Camp: Improving Student Performance on a College Placement Test, Heather Hill
Interpreter Roles and Transition for Public School Students who are Deaf: A Multiple Case Study, John Hinz
The Relationship of Student Family Structure and Absence Type to Reading Achievement, James Hixson
Effects of an Afterschool Program on Elementary and Middle School Math Achievement in Georgia Schools, Connie Lynn Hobbs
Facebook as an Instructional Tool in the Secondary Classroom: A Case Study, Stephanie Hunter-Brown
Academic Excellence in Action: A Case Study of Effective Instructional Methodologies of Middle Grades Math Teachers, Nancy Hutchison
A Phenomenological Study of Motivations, Experiences and Reflections as Related to Teacher Training and Development in Tanzania, Melinda Ingiaimo
The Effects of Repeated Readings on Third Grade Students' Reading Achievement and Attitudes, Tennille Kasper-Scheriff
The Long-term Social & Emotional Outcomes of Subject-Area Acceleration on Gifted Learners, Dana King
School Change: Adolescents Transitioning from Conventional Schooling to Home-Based Online Education, Harvey Klamm
The Impact of Multimedia and Redundancy on the Efficiency of History Presentations, Adam Leach
Teachers' Perspectives and Suggestions for Improving Teacher Education to Facilitate Student Learning, Dina Linkenhoker
Comparing the Success and Experiences of Developmental Algebra I Students, Christy Lowery-Carter
The Impact of Georgia's ESOL Endorsement on Teachers' Attitudes and Secondary English Language Learners (ELLs)' Achievement, Traci McBride
An Experimental Design: Examining the Effectiveness of the Virginia Career View Program on Creating 7th Grade Student Career Self-Efficacy, Shanna McComb-Beverage
A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methods of Christian and Secular Preschools, Lloyd McDaniel
Effective Science Teaching in a High Poverty Middle School, Georgette Meyer
Relationships Between Educators' Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Administrators' Gender, Stephanie Potter
A Heuristic Inquiry into the Stress That Home Educators Experience, Jennifer Rathmell
The Effect of School Wide Positive Behavior Support, William Royal
A Study of the Relationship between Middle School and High School Teachers' Instructional and Behavior Management Practices and Demographic Variables, Deborah Santiago
The Relationship of School Uniforms to Student Attendance, Achievement, and Discipline, Russell Edward Sowell
A Hermeneutical Phenomenological Study of the Role of New Secondary School Assistant Principals, David Stanton
Accommodations in Homeschool Settings for Children with Special Education Needs, Patricia Koelsch Stoudt
A Case Study of Factors Leading to Student Success in an Accelerated Licensed Practical Nurse to Associate Degree Nursing Program, Sherry Taylor
The Effect of Enhanced Visualization Instruction on First Grade Students' Scores on the North Carolina Standard Course Assessment, Amber Thompson
Florida Charter Schools: The Effects of Types and Socioeconomic Status on Academic Achievement, Reginald Thompson
The Differences in Reading Readiness Among Kindergartners Who Attended State And Federally Funded Pre-k in Alabama, Kelli Tucker
A Multi-Site Case Study Investigating Teacher Perspectives of Standards Based Reform and Gifted Students, Amy Valadez
A Values Comparison of Liberty University Freshmen, Steve R. Vandegriff