Doctoral Dissertations
Submissions from 2014
Mathematics Achievement with Digital Game-Based Learning in High School Algebra 1 Classes, Terri Ferguson
Working on the Work Framework for Engagement: Impacting Students' Perceived Learning, Attitudes toward School, and Achievement, Michael Forehand
The Perceived Importance and Impact of Instructor Actions in Online Graduate, Education Students' Satisfaction, Rochelle Franklin
Teaching Excellence: A Qualitative Case Study of Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives, Nicole Frederick
Articulation Agreements: Academic Success, Persistence and Graduation from Online and Face-To-Face Degree Completion Programs, Darnette Hall
Investigation of Differences in STAR Reading Scores for Second- and Third-Grade Students Who Received Differentiated Reading Instruction, Elizabeth Hearn
Teaching With Tables: A Case Study Investigating Affective and Psychomotor Responses in High School Students and Teachers, Johanna Herndon
Elementary Christian School Teachers Utilizing Biblical Concepts in Classroom Management, Christy Hill
Educators' Perceptions Regarding Common Core State Standards and Professional Development, Christine Hipsher
An Evaluation of the Penn Resiliency Program for Disruptive Preadolescents in an Elementary School Setting, Mildred Howard
Development of an Instrument to Measure Student Attitudes toward Science Fairs, Claudia Huddleston
Exploring the Relationship Between Academic, Demographic, and Sport Related Variables on Aggression: An Examination of Male Student-Athletes Enrolled in Texas High Schools, Jeffrey Hutchinson
The Effect of Student Conduct Practices on Student Development in Christian Higher Education, Mark Hyde
Leadership Qualities Necessary for Educational Leaders to Become Effective Turnaround Principals: A Grounded Theory Study, Sherri Irish
The Success of Character Education in Relation to Religion in a Public School District, Joseph Johnson
Student Engagement and Academic Achievement in Technology Enhanced and Traditional Classroom Environments, Tomeko Johnson-Smith
Using Beginning-of-Year Diagnostic Reading Measures to Predict Third Grade Comprehension Scores in Virginia, Todd Johnson
A Multiple Case Study Investigating the Influence of Homeschool Parents' Perceptions of Success on the Learning Environment, William Johnson
A Grounded Theory Study on the Role of Differentiated Instruction in Effective Middle School Science Teaching, Brian Jones
Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity as a Protective Factor in the Context of Risk: A Moderator Model Predicting Institutional Commitment, Brianne Kilbourne
Public School Social Promotion Policies: Exploring Socially Promoted Students' Experiences, Tammy Knight
Effects of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports on Middle School Student Achievement, Chad Knowles
Rigor and Academic Achievement: Career Academies versus Traditional Class Structure, Linda Kyees
Marriage as a Spiritual Discipline: Principles and Benefits, Richmond Laney
Interim Assessment Data: A Case Study on Modifying Instruction Based on Benchmark Feedback, Tracey Lange
Former Mentors' Perceptions of the Faith-Based Approach to Reducing Recidivism Implemented by the Marinette-Menominee Jail Outreach, Inc., James Langteau
Comparing Students' Perceptions of Online Language Learning to Traditional Learning, Noreen La Piana
The Experiences of Single Fathers Who Have Reared Academically Successful Children: A Collective Case Study, Cheri Long
The Role of Christian Education in the Development of Spiritual Stamina in Young Adult Graduates of Christian Schools, Violet Long
A Story of Virtue: Moral Identity Development in Students Attending a Midwestern Evangelical College, Wendy Lundberg
School Psychologists' Experiences with Teacher-To-Student Mistreatment, Sharon Lyles
Exploring Intrinsic Value of Educating Military Planners in Design Thinking: A Case Study, John Mangold
The Spiritual Therapeutic Preferences of Online Learners and On-Campus Learners at a Christian College, Debra Masterson
The Influence of Homework on the Educational Experiences of Sixth Grade Students from Low Socio-Economic Backgrounds: A Phenomenological Study, Richard McCormick
The Correlation of Social, Financial, and Academic Supports to Military Benefit Recipients' Persistence in College, Bruce Mentzer
The Effect of Inquiry-Based, Hands-On Labs on Achievement in Middle School Science, Donna Miller
The Differences in Approaches to Learning Among Kindergartners Who Attended State-Funded Pre-K, Kristin Mobbs
The Effects of a Direct-Instruction Math Intervention on Standardized Test Scores of At-Risk Middle School Students, Charles Moore
Biblical Environmental Protection: Seven Keys for Christian Leaders, Rejoice Muwadzuri
A Study Comparing Fifth Grade Student Achievement in Mathematics in Departmentalized and Non-Departmentalized Settings, Karen Nelson
Return on Investment: A Multisite Case Study of Cost-Effective, High Achieving South Carolina School Districts, Timothy Nelson
The Effects of a Seventh Grade Mathematics Remediation Course on Student Achievement, Jason Nix
The Impact of Troops to Teachers Participants on Student Achievement: A Causal-Comparative Study, Kurt Osuch
Homeschool Curriculum Choices: A Phenomenological Study, Sarah Pannone
Effect of Direct Instruction Programs on Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Disabilities, Jennifer Parker
Case Study of Liberty University's Succession Plan from Founder to Second-Generation Leader, Steven Peterson
End of Course Grades and End of Course Tests in the Virtual Environment: A Study of Correlation, Jamie Philipp
Adversity Influencing Regard for Education in Northern Uganda: A Phenomenological Study of Langi Mothers' Value of Learning, Pamela Pryfogle
The Correlation between Attendance and Participation With Respect to Student Achievement in an Online Learning Environment, Joseph Rapposelli
The Use of iPads to Facilitate Growth in Reading Comprehension Skills of Second Grade Students, Joy Reichenberg
Experiences of General Education Elementary Inclusion Co-Teachers in Successful Schools: A Phenomenological Study, Sherrie Robbins
The Relationship between Online College Students' Learning Style and Response to Literature, Katie Robinson
Affective Domain Applications in Standards-Based Education, Wayne Rumbaugh
The Flipped Classroom: Its Effect On Student Academic Achievement and Critical Thinking Skills in High School Mathematics, JoRanna Saunders
The Effects of Math Tutoring Sessions for Parents on Eighth Grade Students' Mathematics Achievement and Anxiety, Susan Scott
The Perceptions of Caucasian Female Elementary Teachers and the Overrepresentation of African-American Males in Special Education, Thomas Seaberry
The Development and Transferring Process of Transformational Leadership in Home Schooling Students in Central Texas, Johnnie Seago
A Comparative Study of Academic Achievement and Participation in a High School Freshman Academy, Mark Seng
Tipping Point of Resistance: A Multi-Case Study of the Influence of School Culture on Classroom Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Practices, Angela Shoemake
The Relationship of Spiritual Intelligence to Achievement of Secondary Students, Merial Smartt
The Effects of Active Shooter Resilience Training Programs on College Students' Perceptions of Personal Safety, George Snyder
An Engineering Journey: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of African-American Engineers' Persistence, Kristy Somerville-Midgette
The Effects of Teachers' Teaching Styles and Experience on Elementary Students' Mathematical Achievement, Angela Stanford
The Correlation between Temperament and Technology Preference and Proficiency in Middle School Students, Sabrina Sterling
Efficacy of Hybrid Coursework on Retention Rate in Online Higher Education, Kevin Struble
University Administrators' Perception of Online and Blended Doctorate Degrees, Ashley Tharpe
The Effects of Teacher Experience on the Workplace Readiness of High School Students, Katherine Thomas
The Effect That Confidence Has on the Behavior of the Principal and Superintendent as the School's Educational Leader, Thomas Thompson
Effect of Ebooks on Reading Level, Reading Behaviors, and Attitude of Second Grade Students, Annette VanAken
Character Traits in Caldecott Award-Winning Literature from 2002-2012: A Content Analysis, Staci Wagner
Conflict Handling Styles among College Students: The Influence of Conflict Training, Personality, and Family Conflict Resolution, Abel Waithaka
Secondary Social Studies Teachers' Experiences Implementing Common Core State Literacy Standards, Krista Webb
Comprehension and Motivation Levels in Conjunction with the Use of eBooks with Audio: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Post-Secondary Remedial Reading Students, Kimberly Wheeler
Christian Music Experiences in the Faith Development of Adolescents: A Phenomenological Study, Winnie White
The Student Experience: The Effects of Three College Retention Strategies on First-Generation Student Success Outcomes, Erica Woods-Warrior
A Phenomenological Study of Online Learning for Deaf Students in Postsecondary Education: A Deaf Perspective, Patricia Wooten
Learning Styles, Subject Matter, and Effectiveness in Undergraduate Distance Education, Darren Wu
Submissions from 2013
Factors Influencing the Completion of the GED in a Federal Correctional Setting: A Multiple Regression Correlation-Predictive Study, Kimberly Akers
Social Mathworking: The Effects of Online Reflection on Algebra I Students' Sense of Community and Perceived Learning, Patricia Allanson