Doctoral Dissertations
Submissions from 2016
Parental Involvement in Elementary Children’s Religious Education: A Phenomenological Approach, Peter Bunnell
Dual Enrollment: An Integration Strategy for College Persistence and Achievement among First-Generation Students, Alisha Carey
Traditional vs. Project-Based Learning: The Effects on Student Performance and Motivation in Honors Level Mathematics Courses, Sunletha Carter
Motivational Factors that Sustain Experienced Teachers in High-Need, Low-Performing Public Schools: A Phenomenological Study, Michelle Casey
The Effect of Group Counseling Intervention on the Performance of Rural Students on the Georgia High School Graduation Tests, Donna Caudel
A Collective Case Study on Elementary School Administrators’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of A School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Framework, H. David Cawthon
A Case Study to Discover the Factors Impacting North Georgia School Leaders' Choices in Assignment of Co-Teaching Partnerships, Donna Cherveny
Preservice Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy: Video vs. Face-To-Face Observations, Debra Chisenhall
Peer Tutoring of Junior Nursing Students: Student Experiences and Perceptions of Self-Efficacy and Benefit, Mary Clarke
A Case Study of an Office of Disability Support Services in Higher Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bunnie Loree Claxton
The Effect of Elementary and Middle School Grade Span and Transition on Student Achievement and Graduation, Jeana Conley
The Effect of Classroom Walkthroughs on Middle School Teacher Motivation, Karen Dickenson
Life Satisfaction: A Study of Engagement and the Academic Progress of High School Students with Specific Learning Disabilities, Rebecca Dilling
Academic Performance, Retention Rates, and Persistence Rates of First-Year, First-Generation, Latino College Students, Jaime Duran
Predicting High School GPA Using HEXACO Personality Domains and the Secondary School Admission Test, Jeffrey Durso-Finley
Predicting High School GPA Using HEXACO Personality Domains and the Secondary School Admission Test, Jeffrey Durso-Finley
Exploring the Role of Elementary Parent Involvement Coordinators in A North Georgia Title I Charter School District, Phillip Elrod
Teaching Students Struggling with Trauma: A Qualitative Investigation of Impact upon Curricular Goals, Michael Emmart
A Model for Biblical Worldview Development in Evangelical Christian Emerging Adults, Roger Erdvig
A Causal-Comparative Inquiry into the Significance of Implementing A Flipped Classroom Strategy in Nursing Education, Rhonda Faretta
A Phenomenological Study to Examine the Motives of Tenth Grade Students Perpetrating Cyberbullying, David Farkas
Differences between Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Teachers' Perceptions and Implementation of Cooperative Learning Strategies, Ronald Fausnaugh
Using Teacher Perceptions to Predict Fifth Grade Science and Mathematics Scores in North Carolina, Jason Federico
A Transcendental Phenomenological Exploration of the Shared Perceptions of Online Adjunct Faculty in the United States Who Have A High Sense of Community, Tiffany Ferencz
Perceptions of Southern Culture and Writing Program Effectiveness at A Community College: A Phenomenology, Mary Fetters
To College They Go: A Multiple Case Study of Seven Homeschooled Graduates' Transition from Home to College, Shellie Fink-Glass
Investigating Relational Aggression and Bullying for Girls’ of Color in Oklahoma: A Phenomenological Study, Gayle Flynn
The Relationship between Science Classroom Facility Conditions and Ninth Grade Students’ Attitudes toward Science, Angela Ford
Academic Intervention: Acceleration and Remediation, Barbara Franklin
A Correlational Study of Teacher Demographics and Racial Color-Blindness, Dudley Freeman
A Causal-Comparative Study of the Affects of Benchmark Assessments on Middle Grades Science Achievement Scores, Melissa Galloway
A Phenomenological Examination of Students’ Lived Experiences in A Type II Alternative School, Joseph Garner
A Phenomenological Study of Teachers’ Lived Experiences Providing Interventions for Students Diagnosed with ADHD, Timoth Garner
Exploring the Relationship between the Freshman Academy Environment and Academic Achievement and Resilience, Taneesha George
The Beliefs, Perceptions, and Strategies of Vocabulary Instruction in Middle Grades Social Studies: A Phenomenological Study, Lisa-Renee Gilford
Exploring the Outdoors: A Multiple Case Study Examining Teacher Beliefs and Practices in Preschool Outdoor Play, Beverly Goodling
ACT Scores, SAT Scores, and High School GPA as Predictors of Success in Online College Freshman English, Cheryl Gregory
Qualitative Collective Case Study of Targeted Violence Preparedness at Institutions of Higher Education, Tim Gunter
Community College Alumni Engagement: Exploring the Relationship of Social Media to Alumni Giving, Amy Hall
Nursing Students’ Perceptions of How Working as Nursing Assistants Impacts Their Education, Jerry Harvey
The Relationship between Satisfaction, Motivation, and Caseload and Teacher Retention, Corbett Hawks
A Phenomenological Study of Employers' Perceptions of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Graduates, Howard Hendren
Physical Education, Art, and Music Teachers' Lived Experiences With Students Who Have ADHD or ADHD Symptoms, Kellie Henry
Effects of Enrollment in College Success Skills Course on Academic Outcomes of Community College Students, Keith Hill
Using Accessible Middle School Data to Predict High School Success, Renee Hoard
Predictors of the Use of English Language Assistance Services by English Language Learners in Elementary Schools, Juanita Hosch-Martin
Academic Vocabulary Instruction and Adult English Language Learners in the Arabian Gulf: A Phenomenological Study of Instructor Perspectives, Indrani Ibrahim
Teachers' Perceptions of Assessment Practices in Mathematics: Comparing Rural and Urban Secondary Schools in England, Michael Jarrett
Linguistics as the Basis for Phonological Instruction, Christen Johnson
The Relationship Between Administrative Leadership Behaviors and Teacher Retention in the American Association of Christian Schools, Deana Michelle Jones
Facilitating Literacy Acquisition in At-Risk Second-Grade Students Using A Rhythmic Intervention: A Case Study, Deborah Jones-Gensel
Exploring Attitude Transformation: A Grounded Theory Study of Romanian Teachers of Roma Students, Laura Jones
The Effects of Video-Based Embedded Supplemental Instruction upon Preservice Teachers’ School Law Competency, Jeffrey Keeling
The Experiences of University Faculty Expected to Implement edTPA within a Teacher Preparation Program, Lance Kilpatrick
The Experiences of University Faculty Expected to Implement edTPA within a Teacher Preparation Program, Lance Kilpatrick
The Experiences of University Faculty Expected to Implement edTPA within a Teacher Preparation Program, Lance Kilpatrick
Comparing the Effects of Elementary Music and Visual Arts Lessons on Standardized Mathematics Test Scores, Molly King
Bridged: An Autoethnography Exploring How an Alternative School for "At Risk" Middle and High School Youth Overcame the Achievement Gap, Michael Koeniger
The Relationships Between School Climate, Teacher Self-Efficacy, and Teacher Beliefs, Paige Lacks
Post-Secondary Academic Self-Limitation of Rural High School Students in Northeast Georgia, Jeffrey Lambert
The Effects of Using Selected Metacognitive Strategies on ACT Mathematics Sub-test Scores, Jeffrey LeMay
A Comparative Analysis of Cultural Diversity Satisfaction Scores of Undergraduate Students in Online Learning Environment, Orlando Lobaina
Litigious Experiences Among Teachers of Special Education Students: A Phenomenological Study, Shannon Madara
A Phenomenological Investigation of Elementary Educators' On-the-Job Experiences After Self-Selected Professional Development, Cindy Manzanares
Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Mathematics Education Experiences: A Phenomenological Study, Christine McElhaney
Correlating English Language Learner CRCT Scores on the Basis of English Language Learner ACCESS Scores, Nancy McNeal
Impact of Mentoring on K-12 Beginning Teachers' Efficacy and Commitment: A Comparative Phenomenological Study, Sandra Mozdzanowski
Blended Learning: Perspectives from First Time High School Instructors, Tammy Parlier
Adjunct Faculty Perceptions on Professional Development Offered and Needed By Institution Type and Career Cluster, Mark Parrish
Qualitative Case Study on the Perspective of Pennsylvania Superintendents on Distance Education in K-12 Public School Districts, Stephanie Pennucci
Examining the Decisional Ethic of Textbook Adoption in Christian Schools: A Collective Case Study, Cecil Phillips
A Correlational Study of the Motivation and Engagement in Teachers: Experience and Effectiveness, Cynthia Phillips
Case Study: Moral and Ethical Decisions Some Students Make Pursuing Their Doctoral Degrees from Accredited For-Profit Universities, Anne Pinchera
A Study of Relationships between Teacher Leadership, Student Trust, and Student Commitment to Ethical Goodness, Timothy Prickett
Exploring Academic Persistence for Nontraditional Business Students at For-Profit Universities, Leroy Purdie
The Effect of Gamification on Elementary Students’ Spanish Language Achievement and Academic Self-Efficacy, Jason Rachels
The Effect of Gamification on Elementary Students’ Spanish Language Achievement and Academic Self-Efficacy, Jason Rachels