"Using Teacher Perceptions to Predict Fifth Grade Science and Mathemati" by Jason Federico




School of Education


Doctor of Education (EdD)


Gary Kuhne


nstructional Practices, Professional Development, School Leadership, School Resources, Student Achievement, Teacher Satisfaction


Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Leadership | Other Education | Science and Mathematics Education


The purpose of this study was to analyze teachers’ perceptions of their working conditions and to what extent the perceptions impacted 5th grade students’ achievement in the areas of mathematics and science in North Carolina. The 2014 student achievement data in the areas of 5th grade End-of-Grade (EOG) scores in mathematics and science were obtained from one randomly selected school in each of the 115 school districts in North Carolina. The perceptions of teachers’ working conditions were extracted from the 2014 teacher working conditions survey results from each of the same randomly selected 115 schools. This correlation study used a stepwise multiple regression model to determine which teacher working conditions indicator (Time, Facilities and Resources, Community Support, Manage Student Conduct, Teacher Leaders, School Leadership, Professional Development, and Instructional Practices) had the strongest predictive relationship to the scores on mathematics and science. Student achievement data were reported as composite scores that were calculated by adding the percentage of students who scored a 3, 4, and 5 (considered grade level) on each test. This research study will help schools determine which teacher perceptions of working conditions have the strongest predictive relationship to elementary student achievement in mathematics and science. The findings of this research study specified that the indicators in the North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions survey could predict 5th grade student test scores in science and mathematics. The indicators of Managing Student Conduct, School Leadership, and Community Support and Involvement were significantly correlated to 5th grade EOG science scores. In addition, a significant correlation was discovered between the indicator of Community Support and Involvement and 5th grade EOG mathematics scores. Overall, the strongest predictive relationship to both science and mathematics scores was from the indicator of Community Support and Involvement.
