Doctoral Dissertations
Submissions from 2017
Trudy's Triumph: A Narrative Life History of an Adolescent Survivor of Abusive Head Trauma, Crystal G. Ledford
Predicting Dissertation Methodology Choice Among Doctoral Candidates at a Faith-Based University, Rebecca Lunde
The Impact of Title I Designation on Teacher Morale in Middle Schools, Jennifer Lyons
Parental Involvement Impact and the Academic Success of African American Fourth Grade Males, Dana C. Madison
A Phenomenological Study of Elementary General Education Teachers' Experiences Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Patricia Massengale
Teacher Perceptions of the Impact of Self-Efficacy on Classroom Management Style: A Case Study, Patty McCain
Correlation of Local Unemployment Rates and North Carolina Community College Enrollments, Scott McKinney
Empowered Intersectionality Among Black Female School Leaders: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Carla McNeal
A Case Study Investigating Teacher Perceptions of Obstacles Faced by Eighth-Grade Latino Males, Stanley McQueen
The Effectiveness of Dual Language and Sheltered English Immersion ESOL Programs: A Comparative Study, Thomas Meyer
Educators’ Values and Educator Turnover in Rural Communities: A Phenomenological Study, Angela Michaels
Teacher Experiences in Elementary Word Study Instruction: A Phenomenological Study, Gregory Mihalik
The Impact of 1:1 Laptop Environments on the English Language Arts Achievement of Fifth Grade Students from Diverse Socio-Economic Backgrounds, Nicole Lee Miller
A Comparison of Work Ethic among High School Athletes and Non Athletes, Edward Moore
Colorism Among African-American Teachers: A Qualitative Study of Intra-Racial Discrimination in the Classroom, Shannan Moore
Experiences of Parents during the Transition of Students into a Military Base School: A Phenomenological Study, Maria Moran
Comparing Traditional and Year-Round Academic Calendars in Regard to Student Achievement in Two Virginia High Schools: Is There a Difference?, Gregory Scott Morin
Dirty Discipleship: The Essential Nature of Recovery Ministry in Fulfilling the Great Commission, Richard Nichols
Teachers' Experiences with Integrating Play-based Learning into Standards-driven Curriculum: A Phenomenological Study, Mary Nugent
Predictors of Attitudes of Private School Teachers Toward Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in New Mexico, Debbra O'Hara
A Phenomenological Study of First-Career Millennial Novice Elementary School Teachers’ Use 0f Technology, Karla Ontiveros-Karr
Academy of Reading® Impact on Student Achievement in Extended Learning Program, Latrasha Palmer
Identifying as Husbands, Fathers, and School Leaders: A Phenomenology of Doctoral Persistence among Limited Residency Students, John Patterson
Exploring the Impact of Undergraduate Intramural Sports on Undergraduate Students’ Perceived Sense of Community: A Multiple Regression Analysis, Nathan Penland
The Effects of Equine Assisted Leadership Programs on Perceived Professional Development Outcomes, LeighAnne Pentecost
Single-Parents’ Persistence in Pursuit of Higher Education: A Case Study, Beryle Poindexter
A Correlation Study of Professional Development Perception and School Achievement in North Carolina, Kevin Popadines
Adolescent Reading Improvement: A Phenomenology of High School Students’ Perspectives, Anne Poplin
A Correlational Study on Critical Thinking in Nursing as an Outcome Variable for Success, Rebecca Porter
The Relationship Between Reading Fluency and Lexile Measures, Joshua Purvis
Elementary Teachers' Participation in Edmodo as a Community of Practice: A Phenomenology, Cynthia Reasoner
How Adults in Developmental Reading Courses Describe Their Educational Life Experiences: A Phenomenological Case Study Examining Whether Experiences Influence Reading Attitudes and Decision-Making Processes, Ashley Paige Reece Armour
The Effect of Enrollment Status on Plagiarism Among Traditional and Non-Traditional Students, Robert Roth
A Case Study of Black Students' Education and Socialization Since Public School Closure in Prince Edward County Virginia, Jeffrey Scales
Extracurricular Participation and Self-Concept in Rural Elementary Students: A Causal-Comparative Study, Donna Sexton
The Pedagogical Influences of a Value-Added Model Evaluation System from the Perspectives of Elementary School Teachers in North Georgia: A Phenomenological Study, Kyle Keller Shugart
A Case Study Describing Practices and Beliefs of Teachers Who are Effective in Their Classroom Behavior Management in a Diverse Rural School System in Georgia, Busani Siphambili
Effectiveness of Blended Learning in a Rural Alternative Education School Setting, Robin Skelton
A Phenomenological View of Teacher Efficacy as Experienced By Secondary Teachers Engaged in the Process of Instructional Coaching, Shaftina Fiesta Snipes
A Case Study of English-Speaking Native-Born German Public School Educators’ Experiences With Refugee and Immigrant Students, Victor Adams Snow
A Comparative Study of Middle School Teacher Character Education Efficacy Beliefs in Northeast Georgia, Franleata Sorrells-Blackmon
Effects of Social-Emotional Education on Pre-Kindergarten Student Academic Achievement, Lauren Pierce Starnes
A Case Study of Job-embedded Professional Development for Implementation of 21st Century Skills, Rhonda Stegall
The Relationship between Religious Commitment and Bible Literacy in Suburban New York and New Jersey Christian High School Juniors and Seniors, Pradeep Emmanuel Stephen
Hispanic Students' Perceptions of Success: A Phenomenological Study on the Impact on K-12 Academic Achievement, Rodney Stephens
African American Males' Descriptions of Stereotypes in Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study, Donald Stewart
A Qualitative Grounded Theory Study of Secondary Educators' Pedagogical Strategies and Perceptions of College Readiness in a Concurrent Enrollment Program, Amanda Stirgwolt
Predicting Teacher Value-Added Results in Non-Tested Subjects Based on Confounding Variables: A Multinomial Logistic Regression, Nathan Street
A Case Study on Educators' Perceptions of Leader Behaviors Throughout Response-to-Intervention Implementation ID: 11941, Thomas Strickland
A Grounded Theory for Creating Adolescent Readers, Cheryl Tacy
A Phenomenological Study of Ninth Grade Students' with Disabilities Perceptions of Educational Settings, Micole Talley
The Impact of Guided Reading Instruction on Elementary Students' Reading Fluency and Accuracy, Agnes Jean Teets
Teach Me the Write Way: A Multiple Case Study Exploring the Impact of Homeschooling on the Formation of Writing Self-Efficacy, Katherine Todd
Teach Me the Write Way: A Multiple Case Study Exploring the Impact of Homeschooling on the Formation of Writing Self-Efficacy, Katherine L. Todd
The Influence of Teacher Gender on College Student Motivation and Engagement in an Online Environment, Zacharia Jacob Varughese
The Leadership Behaviors of College Freshmen, Kevin Wallace
Comparing the Self-Efficacy of Dual Enrollment Students Taking Classes at the High School, at the College, and Online, Tyler Wallace
Exploring the Experiences of Combat Veterans’ Degree Attainment in Online Higher Education: A Phenomenological Study, Ester Warren
Achievement Gap in United States History End of Course Assessment Scores in GA High Schools, Kris Watkins
The Predictive Relationship of Teacher Leadership Dimensions on Elementary School Climate, Ashley Watson
A Descriptive Case Study: Elementary Teachers’ Technology Acceptance and Classroom Integration, Jenny Whitt
Teachers' Beliefs About Fostering Teacher-Student Relationships and the Correlation to Academic Gains, Naima Williams
The Difference between English and Math High School Teachers' Attitudes and Perceptions toward the Inclusion of English Language Learner Students, Ashley Sibert Williamson
A Comparative Study of Student Engagement Based on Intercollegiate Athletics Participation, David Woolever
A Comparative Study of Student Engagement Based on Intercollegiate Athletics Participation, David Woolever
A Comparative Study of Student Engagement Based on Intercollegiate Athletics Participation, David Michael Woolever
A Causal Comparative Study on the Effect of Proficiency-Based Education on School Climate, Kay York
Submissions from 2016
Teacher Evaluation: The Relationship Between Performance Evaluation Ratings and Student Achievement, Erin Alexander
Teacher Self-Efficacy in A Classical Christian Environment Versus A Traditional Christian Environment, Emily Anderson
Uninspired or Disengaged? A Phenomenological Investigation of Gifted Middle School Students on Probation, Shanna Baker
A Causal Comparative Analysis of Biblical Worldview Among Graduate Students Based on Christian School Attendance, David Baniszewski
A Multiple Case Study of Challenges and Successes Experienced by Founders and Directors of Nature-Based Preschools in the United States, Alexandra Barnett
Adult ADHD: Effects on Student Performance Within the Online Classroom, Freda Jeanetta Barnett-Braddock
Transformational Christian College and University Presidents: An Examination of Fundraising Success, Keith Barrows
A Phenomelogical Study of Reclassified Elementary School English Learners’ Perceptions of Their Educational Experiences, Fernando Betanzos
The Lived Experiences of Christian Missionaries Who Need to Learn a Foreign Language to Fulfill a Call to Serve in Immersed Settings: A Phenomenological Study, Stephanie Blankenship
Spiritual Nurture in Developing the Faith of Christian High School Students: A Phenomenological Study, Marsha Boyd-Mitchell
Spiritual Nurture in Developing the Faith of Christian High School Students: A Phenomenological Study, Martha Boyd-Mitchell
An Examination of Motivational Levels of Non-Traditional Undergraduate Business and Education Majors, Kristopher Bradshaw