"Self-Efficacy and Classroom Management: A Correlation Study Regarding " by Stephanie Hicks




School of Education


Doctor of Education (EdD)


Margaret Ackerman

Primary Subject Area

Education, General; Education, Teacher Training; Education, Educational Psychology; Education, Sociology of; Education, Administration


Classroom Management, Teacher self-efficacy


Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Psychology | Teacher Education and Professional Development


Classroom management has proved to be a plaguing aspect of the teaching and learning process over the past century. This single skill has heavily contributed to teacher stress and burnout (Gordon, 2002;Jepson & Forrest, 2006), teacher turnover (Ritter & Hancock, 2007; Rosas & West, 2009), overall teacher self-efficacy (Caprara, Barbaranelli, Borgogni, & Steca, 2003; Edwards, Green, & Lyons, 2002), student achievement and teacher performance in the classroom (Edwards et al., 2002; Milner, 2002; Poulou, 2007), and is commonly a major concern of principals regarding new teachers (Principal Perspectives, 2004; Williams, 1976). The purpose of the study was to determine if novice secondary teachers feel confident in their ability to effectively manage a classroom and, if so, what variables were related to this confidence (self-efficacy). The study examined the relationship regarding novice secondary teacher self-efficacy regarding classroom management and the age of the teacher, teacher gender, teacher certification method, the presence or absence of a mentoring program during the first year of teaching, and the number of classroom management classes taken in the teacher education program. This study determined the relationship between a teacher's sense of self-efficacy as determined by the Teachers Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) and the noted factors, and examined the depth of and each factoral relation as well as group factor relation.
