Submissions from 2010
Proclaiming the Lord's Death: An Exegesis of 1 Cor 11:17-34 in Light of the Greco-Roman Banquet, Caleb Patton Collier
The Doppelgänger Tale and the Masquerade of Race: The Enduring Influence of Dumas` Iron Mask and Twain`s Switched Heroes, Virginia Payne Dow
John McCone and the Cuban Missile Crisis, Christopher M. Heist
Who Maketh the Clouds His Chariot: The Comparative Method and the Mythopoetical Motif of Cloud-Riding in Psalm 104 and the Epic of Baal, Jordan Wesley Jones
Patrick Henry: The Significance of Harmonized Religious Tensions, Katie Kitchens
Man Thinking the World: Contemporary American Authors and the Nobel Prize in Literature, Christopher Ryan Knight
At the Edge of Two Worlds: Mary Slessor and Gender Roles in Scottish African Missions, Sarah Marcia Lennon
Bridging the Gap: Intercultural Friendship between Chinese and Americans, Zhuo Feng Li
An Argument against the Buddhist Concept of Dependent Origination through William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument, James David Lynch
Breaking Down the Walls: Divorce and the Effects it had on a Child's Communication in Relationships Outside of the Family, Jennifer Maddox
Public Perception or Media Manipulation: The Power of the Agenda-Setting Function of the Press Examined, Mitchell Malcheff
De Anima, DNA: A Modified Stump/Aquinas Hylomorphic Model, the Soul and the Identity of Human Persons, Resurrected, Matthew Grant McDaniel
The Enduring Austen Heroine: Self-Awareness and Moral Maturity in Jane Austen's Emma and in Modern Austen Fan-Fiction, Brittany A. Meng
Fort Stanwix: Untenable, or the Key to Defending the Mohawk Valley?, Joshua Ross Nare
The "Mother Tongue" in a World of Sons: Language and Power in The Earthsea Cycle, Daniel Newell
Groping for Intimacy: Modern Man's "Pressure" and the Onanistic Inversion of Christianity, Marriage, and the Nuclear Family in Three American Novels, Nicholas Scott Olson
God Among the Gods: An Analysis of the Function of Yahweh in the Divine Council of Deuteronomy 32 and Psalm 82, Daniel F. Porter
Discovering the Vision in Beth Moore's "Breaking Free" Message: Applying Bormann's Fantasy Theme Analysis to Evaluate the Message, April Nicole Pressley
U.S. vs. The World: America's Color Coded War Plans and the Evolution of Rainbow Five, Keith Thomas Ressa
Lofty Depths and Tragic Brilliance: The Interweaving of Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Mythology and Literature in the Arthurian Legends, Melissa Rogers
A Christian Apologetic to the Doctrine of Grace in Shin Buddhism, Jeremy Scott Roseman