This is a freely-accessible collection of masters degree theses written by Liberty University students.


Submissions from 2010


Public Perception or Media Manipulation: The Power of the Agenda-Setting Function of the Press Examined, Mitchell Malcheff


De Anima, DNA: A Modified Stump/Aquinas Hylomorphic Model, the Soul and the Identity of Human Persons, Resurrected, Matthew Grant McDaniel


The Enduring Austen Heroine: Self-Awareness and Moral Maturity in Jane Austen's Emma and in Modern Austen Fan-Fiction, Brittany A. Meng


Found: The Etiology of Character Realization, within Rhetorical Analysis of the Series LOST, through the Application of Underhill's and Turner's Classic Concepts of the Mystic Journey, Lacey Mitchell


Fort Stanwix: Untenable, or the Key to Defending the Mohawk Valley?, Joshua Ross Nare


The "Mother Tongue" in a World of Sons: Language and Power in The Earthsea Cycle, Daniel Newell


Groping for Intimacy: Modern Man's "Pressure" and the Onanistic Inversion of Christianity, Marriage, and the Nuclear Family in Three American Novels, Nicholas Scott Olson


God Among the Gods: An Analysis of the Function of Yahweh in the Divine Council of Deuteronomy 32 and Psalm 82, Daniel F. Porter


Discovering the Vision in Beth Moore's "Breaking Free" Message: Applying Bormann's Fantasy Theme Analysis to Evaluate the Message, April Nicole Pressley


U.S. vs. The World: America's Color Coded War Plans and the Evolution of Rainbow Five, Keith Thomas Ressa


Lofty Depths and Tragic Brilliance: The Interweaving of Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Mythology and Literature in the Arthurian Legends, Melissa Rogers


A Christian Apologetic to the Doctrine of Grace in Shin Buddhism, Jeremy Scott Roseman


Power Play in the African-American Home: Female Authority and Male Neglect in the Private Spheres of Ernest Gaines's A Lesson Before Dying, Of Love and Dust, and In My Father's House, Lauren Joy Roth


Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Stick: Tom Sawyer and Company's Quest for Linguistic Power A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Tom Sawyer Abroad, Anne Lea Ryan


Jesus' Resurrection: A Historical Investigation, Benjamin C. Shaw


Is Resurrection Atemporally Simultaneous With Death? Using Aquinas's Theory of Eternity to Conceptualize a New Theory of Resurrection, James T. Turner, Jr.


A Christian Augustinian Response to the Problem of Evil in the Shinto Religion with Reference to the Thought of Motoori Norinaga, Delia Ursulescu


A World with Two Moons: An Analysis of Reader Identification, Paul Joseph Watson


An Analysis of the Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Chinese Students, Bing Yang

Submissions from 2009


A Radical Phenomenology of Love: Divine Love as Understood by the Radically Orthodox John Milbank, Jason Wesley Alvis


Christianity and Communication: Kierkegaard, Hamann, and the Necessity of Indirect Communication, Benjamin D. Cates


Disenchantment: The Formation, Distortion, and Transformation of Identity in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, Lydia K. Christoph


Viewing the World through Oprah's Eyes: A Framing Analysis of the Spiritual Views of Oprah Winfrey, Marianne Jeanette Crosby


A Christian Apologetic to a Buddhist Christ, David James Forbes


Poe's Poisoned Pen: A Study in Fiction as Vendetta, Charity Lea Givens