Submissions from 2012
When Black Meets White in the Heart of Worship: A Case-Study of Musical Changes in a Multiracial Church, Serge Volpe
I'm OK, You're Not: Assessing Variable Influence on Perceptions of the Mentally Ill Among College Students, Phillip Wagner
A Hierarchy of Love: Myth in C.S. Lewis's Perelandra, Joseph Walls
Don't Take Orpheus without the Lyre: The Intricacies of Using Pagan Myths for Christian Purposes in The Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost, Rebekah J. Waltmann
Submissions from 2011
Luther's Theological Anthropology: A Decisive Break from Scholasticism, Cole Andrew Bender
While the Nation Looked On: A Framing Analysis of Print News Media Coverage of Terri Schiavo's Final Days, Aubrey Blankenship
"One Man in His Time Plays Many Parts": The Causes and Effects of Cognitive Dissonance Upon the Actor, Rachel Joy Blomquist
Sir George Paish: Ambassador of Free Trade, Jennifer D. Bolan
Polar Opposites: A Look at the Role of Biblical Values in Managing Dialectical Tensions in Marriage, Kimberly Dawn Borland
Singing from the Village, Bonnie Lynn Bost
"I Hear America Singing": An Approach to Poetry's Coalescent Intricacies of Sound, Structure, and Content, Meagan Ashleigh Brooks
A Myth Retold: How Till We Have Faces Confirms that a Myth is not a Fairytale, Rachel Elizabeth Burkholder
"Make America Over": Rexford Tugwell and his thoughts on Central Planning, Steven Chichester
Nomadic Amdo Tibetan Glu Folk Songs, Wendolyn Craun
Perception and Action: Sympathy, Charity and Ideal Communities in Eliot's Middlemarch and Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, Katherine Ruth Curtis
Defending Tertullian's Orthodoxy: A Study on Third Century Christianity, Kevin Gift
An Inquiry into Contextualized Christian Expression in North India, M. J. Gracin
Language and Identity in Postcolonial African Literature: A Case Study of Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, Abigail Guthrie
The Relationship of the Battles in Zechariah 12 through 14, Joshua Andrew Haley
The Eternal Stranger: The Superfluous Man in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature, Kelly L. Hamren
Redeeming Proper Taste: Food as an Emblem of Luxury in Eighteenth Century England, Hannah R. Hinkson