Submissions from 2006
God with the Backwards Wave: A Text In Context Analysis of the Characterization of God in Joan of Arcadia, Chad Landon Kennedy
Audience Interpersonal Identification with the Television Series Friends as it is Reflected in Avid Viewers within the Twixter Life Stage, Renee Ruth Peckham
Dancing Through Film Musicals: Narratives in Motion, Dara Phillips
The Women House Church Leaders of China: Interviews with a Muted Group, Timothy R. Wommack
Submissions from 2002
Interpretation of 1 Peter 3:18-22, Jason Hauffe
A Comparison of the Idea of Revelation in the Thought of Schubert M. Ogden and Lewis S. Ford, Maurice Jones
Submissions from 2000
Buddhism Reconsidered: A Presuppositional Critique of Theravada Buddhist Philosophy as Interpreted by David Kalupahana and Illuminated by Other Select Buddhist Scholars, Michael Collender
The Religious Pluralism of John Hick: a Critique, Paul E. Krisak
God and Morality: an Analysis and Critique of the Secular Ethic of Kai Neilsen, Keith A. Wilson
Submissions from 1999
Joseph Smith's Concept of Preexistent Intelligences: Development and Critique, David R. Bowen
Submissions from 1998
Jesus, Fourth Ezra and a Son of Man Tradition in the First Century AD, Martin E. Sheldon
The Historical Nature of Luke's Virgin Birth Account: an Apologetic, David E. Smith Jr.
Submissions from 1997
Reality Therapy: a Critique with Suggested Modification, Gerald Moran
The Truth of the Matter: An Evaluation and Response to the Conflict Over Truth Between Generation X and Evangelical Christianity, Kevin Richard O'Brien
Submissions from 1995
An Analysis and Evaluation of the Patristic Testimony from the Second Century concerning the Authorship of the Fourth Gospel, Robert E. Dalrymple
An Analysis of the Primordial Soup Hypothesis with Respect to DNA Structure and the Genetic Code, Jennifer A. Hart
An Examination of the Pantheistic Monism of Shankara and Radhakrishnan, Neill A. McFarland III
Plantinga, Belief in God, and Religious Diversity, Myron Penner
Mind, Might, and Mastery: Human Potential in Metaphysical Religion and E.W. Kenyon, Kevin Scott Smith
Submissions from 1993
An Exegetical and Theological Examination of Matthew 5:17-20, Marc A. Clauson
Examining the First Epistle of Peter in Duke Ms. GK. 1 Using Contemporary Text-Critical Methodology, Jeff Crabtree
The Implications of a Christian Feminist View of Human Nature: a Core Definitional Approach, Robert Bruce Traeger
Submissions from 1992
Justification as CHRISTUS IN NOBIS in Sexteenth Century Protestantism, Milo E. Zehr
Submissions from 1991
Toward a Thomistic Theory of Meaning, Thomas A. Howe