Submissions from 2010
Jesus' Resurrection: A Historical Investigation, Benjamin C. Shaw
Is Resurrection Atemporally Simultaneous With Death? Using Aquinas's Theory of Eternity to Conceptualize a New Theory of Resurrection, James T. Turner, Jr.
A Christian Augustinian Response to the Problem of Evil in the Shinto Religion with Reference to the Thought of Motoori Norinaga, Delia Ursulescu
A World with Two Moons: An Analysis of Reader Identification, Paul Joseph Watson
An Analysis of the Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Chinese Students, Bing Yang
Submissions from 2009
A Radical Phenomenology of Love: Divine Love as Understood by the Radically Orthodox John Milbank, Jason Wesley Alvis
Christianity and Communication: Kierkegaard, Hamann, and the Necessity of Indirect Communication, Benjamin D. Cates
Disenchantment: The Formation, Distortion, and Transformation of Identity in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, Lydia K. Christoph
Viewing the World through Oprah's Eyes: A Framing Analysis of the Spiritual Views of Oprah Winfrey, Marianne Jeanette Crosby
A Christian Apologetic to a Buddhist Christ, David James Forbes
Poe's Poisoned Pen: A Study in Fiction as Vendetta, Charity Lea Givens
The Legacy of a Failing Father: Dysfunctional Father Figures in William Faulkner's Fiction, Travis V. Holt
The Sherwood Method: Creating an Independent Christian Feature Film, Jacob H. Johnston
Exposing Romantic Folly: Comic Performance in Mark Twain's Foreign Travel Writing, Andrew Cessna Jones
Christian Yoga as a Product of Hinduism and the New Age Movement, Injib Kim
A Visual Rhetorical Analysis of Selected Nexium Prescription Drug Advertisements According to the Methodology of Sonja Foss, Jonathan Henry Ryan Law
Hesitation: An Analysis of Candide, Jared T. Mink
"Dragging Themselves Through the Negro Streets at Dawn": The Influence of African American Culture on the Beats, Christopher Robinson
Symptomatic of Excess: Apocalypse in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut, Katie Elizabeth Robinson
An Apologetic to the Neo-Pagans as Represented by Dr. Gus DiZerega, William Tennison Smitherman II