Submissions from 2018
Trinity, Freedom, and Evil: The Importance of the Triune Nature of God in the Problem of Evil, Seth Pryor
Finding Identity through Irish Music in the Appalachian Mountains, Marina Delores Rayl
Iarwain Ben-adar on the Road to Faerie: Tom Bombadil's Recovery of Premodern Fantasy Values, Greta Rogers
The Paternal Lineage of Nathan Hale: A Puritan Tradition, Andrew Rossignol
Visualizing Grief: An Exploration of the Stages of Grief through Image and Design, Audra L. Rygh
Marketing Theory and Pregnancy Help Centers: A Unified Pregnancy Help Center Brand, Allison Schmidt
America, An Aloof Friend: The Limits of U.S.-Czechoslovak Relations from Munich to War, Connor Schonta
Mbalax: Traces of Tradition in Senegalese Hip-Hop, Mikayla Simeral
Sinister Subshade: The Revival of the Ku Klux Klan in Modern America, Taylor Ashton Spicer
The Endgame: America’s Exit from Syria, Gray Thompson
What’s in the Potato Barn: A Discourse of Redemption in Three of Kurt Vonnegut’s Novels, Rebecca Tutton Parker
Examining Keswick for Benefits to Chaplain Resilience Ministry, Caleb Walker
Hagar as Israel: A Prismatic Reading of Hagar and Ishmael, Wesley D. Walker
Tearing the Guts Out of the Wehrmacht: A Re-Examination of the Russo-German War, Randall Wells, Jr.
Unwritten: The Hidden History of the Holodomor, Amy Whisman
The Buffered Slayer: A Search for Meaning in a Secular Age, Kari Willinger
Preparing the Student for High School Band Leadership: A Praxial and Flipped-Classroom Method Based on Kolb's Learning Theory, Brandon Dennis Woods
Application of Narrative Principles to Effectively Communicate Through Graphic Design, Joseph Wright
Death, Friendship, and the Power of Words: Reflections of the Holocaust in Liesel Meminger’s Traumatic Story, Jerusha J. Yoder
Submissions from 2017
The Letter to Sardis and Eternal Security, Tory Arnesen
Resolving the Civilian-Military Divide Through An Examination of Select Members of the United States Army Profession, Caitlin Bankhead
Flying Thru Security, Chelsea Bass