"Goliath Sized Campaign: Promoting Leadership Principles to the Millenn" by Ryan Smith


Ryan SmithFollow




School of Visual and Performing Arts


Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design (MFA)


Stacy Cannon


Branding, Campaign, Guerrilla Design Campaign, Leadership, Millennial Generation, Self Improvement


Art and Design | Graphic Design | Marketing


We are nearing a critical juncture with the retirement of the Baby Boomer generation. The growing demand to replace this workforce with the millennial generation causes us to consider if millennials are up to the challenge. Although this next generation is tech-savvy, resourceful and innovative, many millennials have shared shortcomings including a sense of entitlement, demand for attention and praise and a poor work ethic. Lack of experience and no sense of direction, causes other generations to patiently wait to see what will come of millennials. But through strong leadership development there is hope. By instilling leadership characteristics and encouraging the millennial generation to step up, the void in the work place can be filled. By using a guerilla marketing campaign to promote and provoke thoughts and ideas concerning leadership issues, motivated millennials will rise up to lead their peers to become strong and determined. Through the promotion of eight essential leadership traits, in a way which appeals to the always plugged in, ever connected social media generation, we will see a movement to become the next successful leaders in the work place and in society as a whole.
