Submissions from 2017
A Relational Analysis of Pedagogical Methods for Accordion, Electronic Keyboard, Organ, and Piano, Brian Berlin
Reaching Transcendental Meditation Followers for Jesus: Christian Meditation and Cultural Contextualization, Ashley Boyles
An Archaeological History of Qumran: With an Explanation of Archaeological Techniques, Christy Connell
Does College Prepare the Worship Pastor, James Cooper
Theatre in Worship: A Curriculum for Teaching Theatre in the Local Church Music Ministry, Brandon Cox
Bimusicality: Pedagogical Insights for Music Educators from "Second-Music" Learning Experiences, Kerry DiGiacomo
Worship Renewal Through Discipleship: How Discipleship and Mission Affects Our Worship, Kevin Haglund
Evaluating Missionary-Care Responsibilities: A Guide for Sending and Supporting Churches, Donald Hall
Enhancing the Spiritual Well-Being of Alzheimer's Patients Utilizing Music, Sheri Heeb
Tools of Change: Equipping Nonprofits with the Tools to Inspire Change, Nicole Irons
U.S. Metropolitan Bridges to Puerto Rican Music Identity; Cuban and Puerto Rican Music Connections from the 1920's-1970's, William George Johnson
Salar Music and Identity: A "Sad" Sound, Elizabeth Keating
Divine Utilitarianism, Jimmy Lewis
Deconstructing Theodicy: A Fresher Reading of the Book of Job, Anthony Maynard
No Stone Unturned: Defining the Role of a Worship Assistant, Brittany McGilberry
Teaching Marching Band in Urban Schools, Freamon McNair III
Choosing a Moral Compass: The Journey towards Moral Maturity in Harry Potter, Tricia Mieden
The Application of Eastern Band of Cherokee Powwow Music in Music Education, Glenda Motley
Music Theory for Student Composers: A Course Designed for Engagement by Using Both a Flipped Classroom and Praxial Philosophy, Michelle Nagy
The Polyphonic Survivor: Dialogism and Heteroglossia in Art Spiegelman's "Maus: A Survivor's Tale", Joshua Novalis
"Only the Name is New:" Identity, Modernity, and Continuity in Afghan Star, Timothy Olson
Keep Moving Forward: A Postcolonial Interpretation of Narration in Barbara Kingsolver's "The Poisonwood Bible", Katherine Pagan
Introduction to Piano Pedagogy: A Bible-Based Course for Piano Teacher Training in Christian Colleges and Universities, Alissa Passburg