Submissions from 2013
Romantic Exoticism: The Music of Elsewhere in the Nineteenth Century, Josiah Raiche
Education: An Opportunity to Reshape the Third World, Dottie Rhoads
The Russian GULAG: Understanding the Dangers of Marxism Combined with Totalitarianism, Mark C. Riley
The Software Life Cycle Applied to the Development of the Avnul RPG Character Creation Program, James C. Rogers III
How the Internet Has Revolutionized Video Marketing, Dylan D. Sheldon
A Balanced Literacy Approach to the Classroom, Kayleigh M. Siaulys Mrs.
Vocal Technique and Repertoire Choice for Middle School Students, Taylor L. Simpson
Genocide in the Old Testament?, John Smart
The State of Nature X: Why Leave? A Preface on the State of Nature Theory, Zachary S. Stirparo
Progressive Style in Classical Form: An Interpretive Analysis of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 31 in Ab Major, Op. 110, Rebecca P. Strider
Effects of Beta Amyloid on the DNA Methylation Status of an in Vitro Model of Alzheimer’s Disease, Noor Taher
The Effects of Nursing Care on the Patient Experiencing a Stillborn Birth, Katherine Totten
The Effectiveness of Servant Leadership in Bringing about Change, Daniel R. Tureman
A Thread In Japan’s History: The Historical Journey Of Japanese Christianity to the Brink of Modern Japan, Rebecca Velker
The History and Process of the Development of the Modern Flute, Sarah E. Vitullo
The Application of Second Language Acquisition Theory to New Testament Greek Pedagogy, Josiah P. Wegner
The Quality of Life of Families of Children with Cerebral Palsy, Jill A. Wippermann
The Challenges and Blessings of Missionary Nursing in Africa, Jordan E. Woosley
Cultural Influences on Accounting and Its Practices, Meredith Young
Submissions from 2012
A Forecast for the Middle East: The Reemergence of an Islamic Caliphate in the Midst of the Arab Spring, Jennifer M. Basselgia
Terrestrial Vertebrate Families on Noah's Ark, Seth J. Beech
Christian Entertainment: Methods Used in Targeting the Christian and Secular Audiences, Shannon R. Benton
The Pharisee Church: Why the Heart of the Modern American Church Does Not Match the Heart of Christ and What We Can Do To Change It, Samantha J. Blue
"Just a Fool's Hope": J.R.R. Tolkien's Eucatastrophe as the Paradigm of Christian Hope, Margaret A. Bush
Influential Educators: Why Are They Remembered And What Can Be Learned From Them?, Jessica M. Butler