Submissions from 2013
Oral Contraceptives, Stephenie G. Fortier
Man’s Great Dilemma and God’s Greater Provision: The Doctrine of Justification and its Necessary Role as the Foundation for Understanding Romans 6, Christina L. Fuselli
Vicky's Secret: A Novel, Yael Galiley
Target Advertising Effects on Campaign Success, Anna Gaudio
Shimmers of Truth in the Art of Theatre, Natasha M. Goetz
Providing Holistic and Spiritual Nursing Care, Jessika D. Gore
The Battle of Beersheba: Strategic and Tactical Pivot of Palestine, Zachary D. Grafman
The Impact of Cumulative Risk on Parenting Behaviors as Mediated by Parental Distress, Courtney E. Green
The Fibonacci Sequence: Its History, Significance, and Manifestations in Nature, Anna Grigas
Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Pathoneurological Basis of Disease, Alex D. Hamilton
Nurses’ Perspectives on Neonatal Massage Therapy in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Kayla R. Hanson
Dark Night of the Mind, Sabrina Hardy
Simulating Inflation, Ryan M. Heathcote
Vehicular Motion Sensor: Developing a Wide-Range Motion Sensing Alarm System, Joshua Isaacson
Introducing Target into Singapore, Yealim Ko
Fashion as a Means of Humanitarian Aid: A Resource for Prospective Entrepreneurs, Hannah Lynch
Art and Symbolism: The Technique of Applying Hidden Meaning and Communicating Specific Ideas Through Art, Andrea C. MacBean
A Survey of Christian Cross-Over Songwriting: Core Principles and Potential for Impact, Paul Malhotra
The Effects of Static Stretching on Muscular Hypertrophy During a Resistance Training Program, Zachary A. Martin
Pain Interventions in Pediatric Oncology Patients, Allison P. McConnell
The Effects of Vitamin C on Cancer: A Cellular and Epidemiological Perspective, Amy C. McLaughlin
Contributions of Apolipoprotein E and Environmental Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease, Kelly C. McMullen
A Study of the Titus 2 Mandate and How It Has Been Exemplified in the Lives of Women, Sara A. Meetre
The Psychological Relationship Between Spirituality and Emotional Responses to Music, Anais D. Norman
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) in Uniting the Intelligence Community, Bethany G. Pico