"A Study of the Titus 2 Mandate and How It Has Been Exemplified in the " by Sara A. Meetre

Publication Date

Spring 4-24-2013


College of Arts and Sciences; School of Religion


Religion: Women's Ministries

Primary Subject Area

Religion, General; Women's Studies


Titus 2 Mandate, women, mentor, Church History


Gender and Sexuality



This thesis seeks to provide an in depth study of the Titus 2 Mandate and explain how the Mandate should be applied to our lives today. An overview of the book of Titus is given, as well as a study on Titus 2. How Titus 2 was modeled through the lives of women in the Bible, as well as how it was exemplified through women in Church history is also explained. It is important for Christian young women to understand their Biblical roles; this thesis seeks to provide clarity and a greater knowledge of what those roles are and how they should be implemented.
