Submissions from 2012
Human-Canine Relationships: Dog Behavior and Owner Perceptions, Briannan K. Byrd
Fair Value Accounting: How Bad Decisions Bring Blame to Beneficial Accounting Procedures, Thomas John Ciulla
The Effects of Sarbanes Oxley on Current Financial Reporting Standards, Kiersten Clark
Our Covenant Constitution: The Covenantal Nature of the United States Constitution, William T. Crabtree
Random Number Generation: Types and Techniques, David F. DiCarlo
A Review of the Molecular and Genetic Foundations of Ankylosing Spondylitis, Emily Dowlearn
Korean and American Leadership Styles in Business, Diana Estes
Discovering the Literary Relevancy of Watchmen: A Review of the Graphic Novel's Philosophical Themes, Tyler Flynn
A Social Controversy: Autism Spectrum Disorder's Correlation to the Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination, Lindsay A. Frye
Hugo Black’s Wall of Separation of Church and State, Garland L. Goff Jr.
Chivalry in Shakespeare: How the Great Playwright Reveals the Code of Conduct, Anna Goldsmith
Nature versus Nurture: A Study of Adopted and Biological Children and their Behavioral Patterns, Courtney Janaye Grenke
The Softness of Her Sex: Matilda’s Role in the English Civil War of 1138-1153, Catherine R. Hardee
Village Literacy: Adult Education in Northeastern Kenya, Jodi Heidorn
Cosmetic Neurology: Enhancement of the Mind and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Medication Abuse Among College Students, Mary M. Huff
The Dilemma of Guatemalan Adoptions: The Hague Convention, the CNA, and the Future of Adoptions in Guatemala, Katherine E. Jennings
She's Sold: Persuading American Women Through Advertising, Bethany L. Keef
The Four Spiritual Laws: An Analysis of Campus Crusade's Method of Evangelism, Joshua John Kellogg
The Capacity to Delineate and Interpret Emotion in Text Messages, Ashton C. Klingensmtih
Object Neophilia in Domestic Purebred Dogs, Lydia Kniowski
"where angels fear to tread": Tracing the Journey of the Female Poet in Aurora Leigh, Dorcas Y. Lam
The Postmodern Church, Timothy C. Lawless
Employee Assistance Programs: The Return on Investment for an EAP, Joshua M. Leon
Alternative Work Arrangements: An Examination of Job Sharing, Compressed Workweeks, and Flextime, Joseph D. Lutz