Submissions from 2024
Slaughtering Slaughter-House: An Assessment of 14th Amendment Privileges or Immunities Jurisprudence, Caleb Webb
The Impact of Testimonies on Partner Development Strategies: Mission Work in Europe, Kimberly Witte
Mindfulness and Teacher Stress, Burnout, and Depression among K-12 Teachers, Macy Woods
The Jonestown Appeal: A Rhetorical Analysis of Jim Jones’ “The Death Tapes”, Lindsey E. Wright
Biblically Responsible Investing: Should Christians Avoid or Engage?, Logan Young
Empathy from Artificial Intelligence Therapists and Human Therapists, Ruth Zeller
Silence is Golden: Publicly-Traded Corporations Should Not Speak Out on Social or Political Issues, Alyssa Zern
Submissions from 2023
Artificial Intelligent Enabled Supply Chains as a Competitive Advantage, Nathan Adato
Psychological Criticism and Shakespearean Allusions in J.M. Barrie’s Dear Brutus: A Neverland for Adults, Kathryn Alley
A Survey of Captive Wild and Exotic Animal Training Programs in the Eastern United States, Savannah Atchison
The Hidden Figures of Cognitive Dissonance, Jennifer Berkebile
The Impact of Music Therapy on Language Acquisition in Children with Nonverbal Autism, Alecia Bernau
Anti-Vaccination: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy and its Consequences for Modern Public Health Policy, Joshua Bird
And the Oscar Goes To... TikTok, Dawson Bley
Heroes, Villains, and Blackouts: A Rhetorical Criticism of the News Media Narrative of the 2021 Texas Power Crisis, Alexandra Bones
Pathogenesis and Therapeutics of Huntington's Disease, Megan Bones
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Liberty University Student Population, Emily Bonus
Federal Law Enforcement Reform: Depoliticization into a Constitutional Framework to Restore Public Confidence, Christopher J. Boosey
Reforming Illinois K-12 Public Education Through a Four-Pronged Approach, Seth Brooks
Home Exercise Program Adherence in Physical Therapy: Application of the Transtheoretical Model, Charis Brown
The Four Sinners: The Relationship Between Humanity and Its Creator - A Verse-by-Verse Devotional Reflection on Psalm 107, Isabelle Brunet
Defending the First Premise: Why Prenatal Life Is Not the Exception, Jessica Buchanan
In Vitro Gametogenesis: A Research Timeline and Implications for the Future of Assisted Reproductive Technology, Nicole Buckley
Understanding Romania's Poverty: A Historical Overview of Economics and Politics and Their Implications on Poverty Today, Benjamin Bucur