Publication Date



School of Health Sciences


Exercise Science: Therapeutic


Physical Therapy, Transtheoretical Model, Home Exercise Program, behavior modification, patient motivation


Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Therapy | Rehabilitation and Therapy | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling


Home exercise programs (HEPs) are a foundational component of physical therapy (PT). However, the majority of patients are not compliant with their HEP; they lack the motivation and habits necessary to be compliant. The transtheoretical model (TTM) is a framework for understanding the decision-making of the individual and is a model of intentional change. When properly understood and applied, the TTM can improve a physical therapist’s ability to help patients to change their behavior and to become HEP compliant. This paper seeks to address patient exercise noncompliance by educating and instructing physical therapists in the application of the TTM, which includes the stages of change, processes of change, decisional balance, self-efficacy, initial stage assessment, mutual goal setting, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and the proper utilization of the intimate patient-provider treatment setting.
