Most Recent Additions
The Importance of Community Rehabilitation: Evaluating Effectiveness of Tennessee Interventions
Sarah Grace Knight
Project ReThread: Developing Habits of Sustainable Fashion Consumption Among Gen Z
Jason Daniel Moore
Arranging and Communication Techniques for the Studio Music Producer: A Curriculum
Elizabeth A. Rajcok
The Chronology of Jesus' Triple Fulfillment of the Feasts of Israel
Carter Day Watson
The Two Gospel Hypothesis
Nicholas Wischman
Teacher Retention: A Phenomenological Study on the Experiences of White Male Teachers in an Urban Secondary School
Bryce M. Woerner
Shine a Light into the Darkness: Illuminating the Battles Fought by Civil War Prisoners of War
MaryBeth Allison
Millennial Evangelism: Mobilizing Millennials Towards Faith-Sharing at Hope Chapel Foursquare Church
Peter O. Kolawole
The Effects of Race-Related Stress, Racial Socialization and Burnout in African American Teachers Who Attended HBCUs vs. PWIs
Catava M. Burton
Purpose in Life and the Liberal Arts: An Investigation of Antecedents, Barriers, and Purpose Among and Between Emerging Adults with and without a Liberal Arts Degree
Caroline Elizabeth Sawyer
Basic Digital Forensic Course
Alberto Feliberty
*Updated as of 10/12/24.