Doctoral Dissertations
Submissions from 2019
The Relationship between Physical Fitness Factors and Academic Skills among Officer Aircrew, Michael Lopez
Virtual Classes: A Comparative Study on the Overall Effect of Virtual Science Classes on High School Students' Course Grade, Melinda Lee Maier
The Quality of Transdisciplinary Team Assessment Practices for Mobile Technology as Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Laura Jeanne Mansfield
The Relationship Between Middle School Principals Use Of The Dimensions Of Distributed Leadership and Teachers, George Lathan Marek Marshall
A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of High School Students Engaged in an Established 1:1 Technology Program, Kevin Michael Mathes
Differences in Career Engagement Scores among Mid-Atlantic High School Seniors within Career Readiness Programs of Study, Glenn R. Mathias III
Exploring the Reflective Experiences of Disadvantaged Children in 4-H: A Phenomenological Study, Cherise Marcella Mbaye
A Correlational Study on Components of Hybrid Course Delivery and Student Success in Introductory Statistics, Gail Moore McGowan
The Relationship between Teacher Experience and Teacher Attitude toward Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Keisha M. McHargue
Measures for Comparing an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Application for Use within a Kindergarten Curriculum, Anna Camille Johnson McKelphin
The Impact of a Felon's Overall Well-Being on Education, Employment, and Recidivism, Shandrika S. McNair-Williams
Reasons Why Homeschooling Families Choose Strict Home-Based Education or Cooperative Groups, Robert Eugene McTurnal
A Phenomenological Exploration of Early Childhood Educators' Perseverance Experience, Alison Lee Mellott
Comparing Security Self-Efficacy Amongst College Freshmen and Senior, Female and Male Cybersecurity Students, Lane H. Melton
A Case Study of Stakeholders’ Motivation to Invest in Classical Christian Education, Cory James Merante
Teacher Retention, Teacher Attrition, and Teacher Personalities, Kathryn Nabors Metherell
The Voice of Latinas Persisting in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: A Phenomenological Study, Patricia Meulemans
Investigating Military Instructors' Experiences with Students' Use of Personal Technology: A Phenomenological Study, Scott Thomas Migdalski
The Correlation Between Quality Mentoring Relationships and African American Males' Overall Engagement and Academic Success, Cedric Gerard Miller
Comparing Perceived College Persistence Between Students Taking Online or Residential Dual Enrollment in High School, Dustin Joseph Miller
Elementary Pre-Service Teacher Preparedness in Literacy and Mathematics as it Relates to Anxiety and Self-Efficacy, Lamarcia J. Miller
A Comparison of Eighth Grade General Education Students’ ELA Scores in Co-teaching and Regular Classrooms, Deborah Cecilia Mitchell
Student Perceptions of Trivium-Based Education in Classical Christian Schools: A Phenomenological Study, Robert Todd Mitchell
Launching Dreams: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study Describing What It Means to Be an Underrepresented Student in a Collegiate Aviation Program, James P. Molloy
The Relationships Between School Burnout and Perceived Teacher Support in High School Male Students, Travis S. Moots
Teacher Attitudes Toward Technology Integration in a One-to-One Mobile Device Middle-School Classroom, Gary L. Mosley
Oral Reading Fluency Scores as an Indicator of Reading Comprehension in Title I Schools, Carrie Barr Mott
A Grounded Theory Study of the Ideal Components of an Orientation for a Distance Education Doctor of Education Program, Kristy Ann Motte
The Relationship of Christian Education to Adolescent Students' Biblical Worldview, Jason G. Nave
Parental Perspectives on Twenty-First Century Learning Environments in Private Middle Schools: A Phenomenological Study, Matthew Oswald Ozolnieks
A Correlational Study of Preadmission and Early Program Predictors of Physician Assistant Certification Exam Scores, Jennifer Pack
The Achievement Gap: Predicting the Effects of Protective/Risk Factors on Student Grades, Kathleen Pechtold
Professional Learning Communities and Relational Trust: A Correlational Study, Theresa Ann Pedersen
A Phenomenological Study of Novice Teachers' First-Year Experiences in Curriculum Development in International Schools, Rachel Morgan Pedigo
The Differences Between College Readiness and the Type of Algebra 1 Course Taken by Male and Female Students Attending a Private School in Southwestern Virginia, Christina M. Perdue
A Phenomenological Study of Advanced Age Individuals Pursuing a Doctoral Degree, Elaine G. Phillips
A Case Study on the Implementation of Additional Daily Physical Activity beyond the State-Required Guidelines, Frances Eugenia Phipps
A Phenomenological Study of Early Resignation Among Southern Territory Salvation Army Officers, Everette F. Platt
Impact of Combat Experience on Adult Learning for Students Enrolled at Liberty University in Spring 2019, Stephany Dawn Pracht
A Causal-Comparative Analysis of Mathematics Self-Efficacy Based on Gender and Math Acceleration, Jacqueline Renee Probst
A Phenomenological Study: The Role of the Middle School Counselor as Perceived by the Middle School Teacher, LaNekia S. Pruitt
Elementary School Building Leaders’ Experiences with Leading Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Initiatives in Upstate South Carolina: A Phenomenological Study, Jason Michael Ramey
A Single-Subject Study on Listening to Student-Selected Music through Headphones for Students with ADHD, Jennifer Renee Royster Ramey
Christian Teachers’ Experiences Motivating High School Students in The Pacific Northwest: A Transcendental Phenomenology, Michael Anthony Rickman
The Impact of Using Elementary Science Specialists on 5th Grade Science Achievement Scores, Wesley Armstrong Roach
Predictors of Zero Tolerance Policy Violations Among High School and Middle School Students, Anthony J. Roberson
Correlation between the Frequency of Electronic Parent Monitoring of Grades and Elementary Student Achievement, Michael Scott Robinson
The Influence of Teacher Effectiveness on Student Achievement: A Case Study, Linda Marie Rogers
Military Veterans and Their Motivation to Persist in Distance Education Doctoral Programs, Paula Ann Ross
Job Satisfaction of Automotive Technicians: A Comparison of Graduates from General Programs to Manufacturer-Sponsored Programs, Bobby Gene Rowe
The Effect of Expressive Writing on the Math Anxiety Scores of Middle School Students Enrolled in a Public School in East Texas, Angela D. Ruark
A Grounded Theory Study Explaining Teachers’ Instructional Decision-making on Mathematics Fact Fluency for Students With a Mathematics Learning Disability, Awilda Soto Rudd
Teacher Burnout: A Comparison Between Title I and Non-Title I Elementary School Teachers, Sandra Anne Russell
The Impact of College Readiness Programs on Black Students' Completion of College Programs: A Case Study, Tony R. Ryals
High School Science and Social Studies Teachers' Self-Efficacy Regarding Literacy Instruction: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Jennifer L. Ryan
Causal-comparative Study: Differences in Academic Achievement by Levels of Social-emotional Skills in Grade Five Students, David Frederick Salvatelli
How School Leaders Shape School Culture: A Qualitative Case Study, Jennifer L. Schreiber
An Investigation of Veterinary Sales Professionals' Perceptions of Self-Directed Learning: A Multiple Case Study, Agostino Salvatore Scicchitano
The Effects of Hands-on Equations on Math Achievement of Ninth Grade Students, Chauncey Andrice Scott
A Phenomenological Study of Elementary Principal Experiences with School Improvement in the Age of Accountability, Leigh Ann Bramlett Sears
Relations Between Placement Criteria and Students' Emporium-based Developmental Math Final Grades, George Sherman
¡No Me Juzguez! Latino Parent Perceptions of the Lived Experience of Participation in Their Child's Education: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Trinidad Y. Sierra
High Achieving Hispanic and Black High School Students' Experiences in AP and Honors Courses: A Phenomenology, Kristy Simpson-Alvarez
Exploration of Learning, Social, and Behavioral Experiences of Female High School Graduates with Emotional Behavior Disorder from Public Schools in the United States: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Christie Renee Simpson
Understanding the Parental Self-Efficacy of Honduran Immigrant Mothers as they Transition their Children into Public Schools in the United States: A Phenomenological Study, April Marie Small
Student Engagement and Retention of Minority Students in a Faith-based Institution, Stephanie Ann Smith
Successfully Implementing Common Core Literacy Standards in the Science Classroom: A Phenomenological Investigation, Summer Lynn Smith
Special Education and Parental Decision-Making Experiences: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Cheryl Y. Solomon
Uncommon Corps: A Transcendental Phenomenology of the Academic Experiences of Military-Connected High School Students Transitioning between States, Norman Eugene Solomon
Mathematical Dispositions of Novice Upper-Elementary Teachers: A Phenomenological Study, Leslie Anne Soltis
How a School Leader Creates a Successful Dropout Prevention Program: A Case Study, Alan J. Sorensen
The Experiences of Christian Paideia among Graduates of Classical Christian Texas High Schools: A Phenomenological Study, Jared L. Squires
A Case Study of a Midwest School of Distinction Implementing School-wide RTI at the Secondary Level, Pamela Suzanne Stark
A Phenomenological Study of Graduated Nursing Student Athletes' Experiences Balancing Academics and Athletics, Robert E. Steed
Perseverance of Gifted and Talented Graduates from International Baccalaureate Diploma Programmes: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study, Jeannie Marie Steelreed
Participants' Perspectives on Implementing Universal Free Meal Programs: A Multiple Case Study, Terene Mullins Stiltner
Relating Millennial Teachers' Age to Frequency and Variety of Instructional Technology use in Elementary Math, LaDonna Marie Tate
Understanding Father Involvement Regarding the Academic Success of African American Males in Urban High Schools, Temujin H. Taylor
A Dual Enrollment Partnership between Community Colleges and High Schools: A Case Study, Susan Terranova
Attorneys' Experiences with Continuing Legal Education Delivered Online: A Holistic Single Case Study, Kimberly Ann Thomas
Educators’ Practices Involving Deaf Multilingual Learners: A Single Case Study, Mary Christine Thomas
An Urban District's Middle School Response to the Impact of Relational Aggression: A Case Study, Billy Thompson
Dental Professionals' Preparedness to Manage the Behaviors of Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder during Dental Treatment: A Phenomenological Study, Kelli A. Trenga
A Correlation and Causal-Comparative Study of the Worldview of K-12 California Christian Educators, Mariellen True
Describing the Experiences of Peer Tutors: A Phenomenological Study of Undergraduate Students at Federal Service Academies, Drew John Van Dam Jr
Differences in Parent Involvement Perceptions: A Quantitative Study of Soldiers with Children in Elementary School, Tabatha Ware
The Relationship between Years of Homeschool and Self-Esteem of Freshmen College Students, Sheryl Welfel
A Case Study Exploring the Role of Faculty in Providing Academic Support to First- and Second-Year Medical Students, Deborah Fawn West
A Grounded Theory Study of The Educational Processes Implemented by Parents Homeschooling Gifted or Twice-Exceptional Children, Bridgette Whitlow-Spurlock
Predicting Student Success Using Digital Textbook Analytics in Online Courses, Dustin Lee Williams
The Effects of Digital Storytelling on Astronomy Misconceptions Held by Fourth Grade Students, Pamela Adell Hadaway Wimpey
The Correlation between Trait Emotional Intelligence and Feelings of Social Isolation in Alaskan Homeschool Students, Doniel Shawn Wolfe
Life Interrupted: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Doctoral Persistence with a Diagnosis of Cancer, Daryl R. Worley
A Transcendental Phenomenology of the Lived Experiences of Non-Custodial Grandparents who Contribute Resources toward the Grandchild's Christian School Education, Michele Sutton Worley
Submissions from 2018
A Phenomenological Study on Motivational Factors Toward the Longevity of Christian School Teachers, Rochelle Achuff
Impact of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports on At-Risk, Black Male Students' Academic Performance, Sandra Adomako Letterlough
A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Middle School Teachers Working with Girls with High Functioning Autism, Kelly Parton Alves