


School of Education


Doctor of Education in Curriculum & Instruction (EdD)


Chris Taylor


Community Eligibility Provision, Universal Free Meals, Hunger, Food Insecurity, Achievement


The purpose of this multiple case, qualitative study was to understand the perspectives of the implementation of universal free meal programs (UFM) for participants at two elementary schools in southern West Virginia. The theory guiding this study was Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as it describes the need for students to have their basic needs fulfilled before they begin progressing through other levels of the hierarchy. This study will address the central question of: 1) How do participants describe the process of implementing the CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) at the elementary school level? Guiding questions were used to investigate the requirements of the CEP, any related benefits or challenges, and how the CEP has influenced school culture. Data was collected through the administration of an open-ended questionnaire protocol via in-person interviews, written questionnaires, observations, and an exploration of related documents. Data analysis will then be conducted holistically through repeated readings and coding procedures.
