"The Effect of a Manualized Group Treatment Protocol on God Image and A" by Jacqueline Diane Rasar




Counseling Department


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Fernando Garzon

Primary Subject Area

Religion, Clergy; Theology


God Attachment, God Image, Group therapy, Manualized Group Treatment, Religious Coping, Spiritual Outcomes


This study tested the effect of a manualized group treatment protocol on God image and attachment to God in a sample of college students attending a Christian college. Thirty undergraduate students from a homogenous population were tested with one measure of God attachment, two measures of God image, one measure of religious coping, and one measure of spiritual outcomes. It was hypothesized that significant God image and attachment to God change would occur among the treatment group participants. In addition, it was hypothesized that significant religious coping and spiritual outcome change would occur among the treatment group and comparable group participants. The results indicated significant spiritual outcome change and some God image change. In particular, the strongest finding of this study was the treatment group and comparable group participants reported increased love of God, others, and self after participating in a manualized group treatment protocol.
