"Effective Personal Evangelism for Today's Church" by Thomas M. Roatch




School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Dr. Charles Davidson


evangelism, church, receptivity to the Gospel


Christianity | Practical Theology


This project is designed to demonstrate that any church or group of Christians can be effective in personal evangelism. Christians gathered together in any location and number, and in any life situation form the taskforce to share the good news of salvation.
The rationale for the selection of this thesis topic rests on the recent heart felt need of many churches to share the Gospel and become active in personal evangelism. Secondly, another important part of the rationale for thesis is to encourage, and challenge small churches, missions, Bible studies and other smaller Christian ministries to be bold in new ministry challenges. The potential value of this project for my ministry is primarily contained in the information, encouragement, challenge, methods and initiative it will provide for my congregation and leadership in the New Creek Southern Baptist Church, where I am the Pastor. This project will also be useful for the people in our new church starts in Morgantown, West Virginia for much the same reasons. Over the last couple years a large group of people in the Southern Baptist Convention have received a fresh new vision to rekindle a Great Commission movement among their people and churches. (See Matthew 18:19-20) This exciting new movement has a zeal for personal evangelism and an intense commitment to reach all people with the gospel message. Southern Baptist churches as well as other churches are developing a renewed vision for personal evangelism, outreach and sharing the gospel message. It is my hope that this thesis will provide information, insight and incentive for many churches and for all Christian groups whether they number two or twenty thousand. The research for this project will be done by considering exploring pertinent information from reliable sources, including but not limited to biblical, ethical, historical, philosophical, psychological, educational, sociological, and theological sources. Data and information from many ministries and churches will be gathered and evaluated to support the thesis statement that any church or group of Christians can be effective in personal evangelism.
