"A Strategy to Transition a Traditional African American Church to a Mu" by Darold A. Ingram Jr




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Seth Polk


White Supremacy, African American, Injustice, Multicultural, Hermeneutics, Worship


Christianity | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The purpose for this action research thesis is to develop a strategy to transition the MHBC from a traditional African American church to a multicultural church. Looking at the temperature of our country, civil unrest has reached an all-time high. Our society has been separated by every aspect of life and this is not how God intended for us to live out our lives. While the battle amongst cultures thrives, the only thing that can change this climate is Christ, by way of His church. In the following pages you will be exposed to a strategic plan that will help the church become the leading force in uniting men and women of all cultures to worship in the spirit of unity. This thesis will clearly lay out the issue of how segregated a house of worship can be, raise the Biblical image of the church, and expose a 7-week process filtered through a hand selected focus group composed of several cultures. The results of the dialogue were both honest, and enlightening. The surveys collected spoke to the reality of segregation, and the hope for unity to return to the Lord’s church. At the conclusion of this project, you will discover that change can happen for the better when all hearts and minds are turned towards God. Having walked this plan out it is evident that Christ is alive, and the efforts of this project were not in vain.
