"Church Revitalization: Strategies for Revitalization and the Importanc" by Timothy F. Ireland




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Jeff Johnsen


Church Revitalization, Strategies, Emotional Intelligence, Pastoral Leadership, Southern Baptists


Christianity | Leadership Studies | Religion


The majority of Southern Baptist Churches in North America are plateaued or in decline. Without a new effective strategy for church revitalization, the largest evangelical denomination will close thousands of local churches. Knowing what to do and how to do it is critical for revitalization. The study presents a synthesis of research that reveals common factors present in plateaued and dying churches, strategies advanced for successful church revitalization, and church revitalizers’ qualifications. This project thesis included research concerning the utilization of emotional intelligence (EQ), EQ testing, and training. Pastors with high EQ are well suited for leading a church through the process of revitalization. Better equipped revitalizers increase the likelihood of church revitalization success. This study asked, Will Southern Baptist pastors in the Frontier Baptist Association be revitalized by understanding EQ? Based upon the project results, participants from the Frontier Baptist Association group indicated that the research did raise their awareness of revitalization needs, successful strategies for revitalization, and an appreciation of EQ training in leading their churches more effectively. In addition, the group felt revitalized by the study and their participation in the five Zoom teaching sessions. Therefore, the project goal was achieved.

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