
Oral - Creative and Artistic


In a world where dragons soar and elves roam, Mirnyth, a beautiful white dragoness, awakens in a state of agony after a harrowing crash. Nursed back to health by the compassionate she-elf Aneirin, Mirnyth grapples with her injuries and the mysteries surrounding her own origins; she cannot remember a thing. As she navigates her recovery and forms tentative bonds with the inhabitants of her new home, Mirnyth must confront the lingering shadows of her past and the challenges of her uncertain future—all while a chill racks her very bones, leaving her cold and shivering even in the midst of summer. In my presentation, I plan to read an excerpt from my fantasy-fiction novel: a tale that invites readers into a richly imagined world where newfound friendships and fast-made enemies mingle around the flickering flames of a bonfire under a starlit sky.




Apr 18th, 10:00 AM

The Unifier's Tempest: Chapter One

Oral - Creative and Artistic

In a world where dragons soar and elves roam, Mirnyth, a beautiful white dragoness, awakens in a state of agony after a harrowing crash. Nursed back to health by the compassionate she-elf Aneirin, Mirnyth grapples with her injuries and the mysteries surrounding her own origins; she cannot remember a thing. As she navigates her recovery and forms tentative bonds with the inhabitants of her new home, Mirnyth must confront the lingering shadows of her past and the challenges of her uncertain future—all while a chill racks her very bones, leaving her cold and shivering even in the midst of summer. In my presentation, I plan to read an excerpt from my fantasy-fiction novel: a tale that invites readers into a richly imagined world where newfound friendships and fast-made enemies mingle around the flickering flames of a bonfire under a starlit sky.


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