Scholars Crossing - Helm's School of Government Conference - 2021-2024: The Terrorists' Secret and Hidden Weapon


Cultural & Social Challenges

Level of Education



female suicide bombers, oppression, terrorism, patriarchy, bomb, rape, abduction, coersion

Presenter Names and Speeches.

Elizabeth Wilson


Since the immersion of female suicide bombers is still in its infancy, there are many questions asked about this new role played by women. Terrorists for decades have been men; even today when one hears the word terrorism, one presumes the person who launched the attack was a male. While many individuals can justify acts of aggression by men due to their innate nature and testosterone driven violence, individuals struggle with understanding why women become suicide bombers. The question mulled around in one’s head is “how can women who are seen as the nurturing, compassionate, emotional sex, engage in acts of violence?” That question is the premise for this paper.



The Terrorists' Secret and Hidden Weapon

Cultural & Social Challenges

Since the immersion of female suicide bombers is still in its infancy, there are many questions asked about this new role played by women. Terrorists for decades have been men; even today when one hears the word terrorism, one presumes the person who launched the attack was a male. While many individuals can justify acts of aggression by men due to their innate nature and testosterone driven violence, individuals struggle with understanding why women become suicide bombers. The question mulled around in one’s head is “how can women who are seen as the nurturing, compassionate, emotional sex, engage in acts of violence?” That question is the premise for this paper.