Scholars Crossing - Helm's School of Government Conference - 2021-2024: Breaking the Promise: The Burden of Unfunded Liabilities on Future Generations

Presenter Information

Thomas SavidgeFollow


Economic Policy & Regulatory Burden

Level of Education



Public Finance, Debt, Debt Management, Sovereign Debt, State and Local Government Budgets and Expenditures, State and Local Borrowing

Presenter Names and Speeches.

Thomas Savidge-Breaking the Promise


This paper discusses the trillions of dollars in government debt accumulated by state governments as well as the costs of debt on future generations. It examines unfunded pension liabilities, unfunded other post-employment benefit (OPEB) liabilities, as well as state bonded obligations and the crowding out effect of public debt onto state budgets. The paper also discusses opportunities for reform that can help alleviate the debt burden on future generations. Data are collected from state annual comprehensive financial reports (ACFRs) as well as public pension and OPEB actuarial valuations.



Breaking the Promise: The Burden of Unfunded Liabilities on Future Generations

Economic Policy & Regulatory Burden

This paper discusses the trillions of dollars in government debt accumulated by state governments as well as the costs of debt on future generations. It examines unfunded pension liabilities, unfunded other post-employment benefit (OPEB) liabilities, as well as state bonded obligations and the crowding out effect of public debt onto state budgets. The paper also discusses opportunities for reform that can help alleviate the debt burden on future generations. Data are collected from state annual comprehensive financial reports (ACFRs) as well as public pension and OPEB actuarial valuations.