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SWOT Analysis - An In-Depth Look At the United Kingdom

Deborah Erioluwa Adeniji, Liberty University

Global Economic and Legal Challenges

Challenges Facing the Reunification of Korea

Patricia Cazeau, Liberty University

Global Economic and Legal Challenges

The Future of the Cyber Theater of War

Elizabeth Cook, Liberty University

Military and Diplomacy

The False Religious Freedom of China and Its Impact on the Christian Church

John Davis, Liberty University

Religious Liberty and Respect for Freedom of Religion

Trade, Globalism, and the American System

Johnny B. Davis, Liberty University

Global Economic and Legal Challenges

An Analysis of US Energy Policy Within a Shifting Geopolitical Landscape

Rodney Ford, Liberty University

Global Economic and Legal Challenges

The Global Reach of China’s Economy

Jillian Fournier, Liberty University

Global Economic and Legal Challenges

Ambitions of Chinese Hegemony: An Analysis of The Hundred-Year Marathon

Ruben Frivold, Liberty University

Global Economic and Legal Challenges

U.S. Involvement of Water Sanitation in El Salvador

Emilio Lau

Global Economic and Legal Challenges

A Religious Society Promotes a Flourishing Nation

Logan Marcotte, Liberty University

Religious Liberty and Respect for Freedom of Religion

The Ineffectiveness of the U.S. Strategy for Countering Terrorism in Iraq and Syria

Ann Mullins

Military and Diplomacy

United States Foreign Policy in Africa, with a Focus on Nigeria

Ikenna Nwobu, Liberty University

Military and Diplomacy

Unequal Democracies: Economic Sanctions' Impact on Human Rights in Democratic Systems

Daniel Partin, Liberty University

Global Economic and Legal Challenges

Middle Eastern Defense: The Role of the Abraham Accords

Graciela H Phillipps, Liberty University

Military and Diplomacy

The Future of Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Against China

Carl Rehberg, Liberty University

Military and Diplomacy