Submissions from 2011
The West's Feet of Clay: Transmuting the Pillars of Liberty from Gold into Dross, Jin Seock Shin
John 14:17 and the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John, Daniel R. Sloan
Seventy Times Seven: Forgiveness as a Moderator in the Relationship between Anger and Violent Crime, Elisabeth Marie Spratto
The Adverse Effects of the Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine, Shannon Renee Steidl
The Authorship of the Johannine Epistles, Thaddaeus S. Taylor
The Roman Empire: the Defender of Early First Century Christianity, John Toone
Reading Literature through the Eyes of C. S. Lewis, Lauren L. Umstead
The Pros and Cons of Inclusion for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: What Constitutes the Least Restrictive Environment?, Lindsay J. Vander Wiele
Divorce and a Deafening Silence: Exegesis of Exodus 21:10-11 in the Twentieth Century, Jeffrey A. White
Submissions from 2010
The Life of Evariste Galois and his Theory of Field Extension, Felicia N. Adams
Media Effects and Effectors A Study on the Possible Effects of Media and the Intent of Future Media Effectors to Use Media to Influence Others, Danielle Bringham
CIA and the Cold War Era, Mary E. Byers
Investigating the Correlation between Burnout and Spirituality among Resident Assitants at Liberty University, Dorel Captari
Injustice and Graphic Design: The Problem of Human Trafficking and Slavery and the Role of the Graphic Designer, Jordan E. Chen
Parental Bonding in Father-Son Relationships, Lauren B. Childers
Narratives from Non-Profit Workers: The Journey of Helping Women Leave Prostitution, Rachel D. Collins
Deserts of Development: How God Shapes Leaders in the Wilderness, Jeffrey R. Dickson
Martin Luther the Worship Leader: Processes and Methods of Liturgical Reform through the Reformation, Emily A. Dieter
Nursing: A Healing Ministry, Jessica Nicole Gillespie
Rauschenbusch’s Regurgitations: Rob Bell’s Promotion of a Realized Eschatology and His Alignment with Walter Rauschenbusch and the Social Gospel Movement, Mathew L. Harris
Instructing All Students as Language Learners, Emily Hassebeck
The Appeal of Caldecott Award Winning Books and Their Importance in the Classroom, Rebecca Ann Hoffman
Testing and Maintenance in the Video Game Industry Today, Anthony A. Jarman
Parasite Ecology of Fish with Black Spot Disease, Sarah C. Kirse