Submissions from 2017
Embracing Bacterial Cellulose as a Catalyst for Sustainable Fashion, Luis Quijano
The Importance of Branding in Small Businesses, Amber J. Rabie
Microcredit as a Means of Funding Entrepreneurship in Asia, Sheena Ragoo
The Makings of an EP: From Silence to Portable Sounds, Emily Ream
The Suzuki Method: Influences of Shinichi Suzuki on Japanese Music Education, Moriah L. Richards
The Role of Education in Self-Sustaining Community Development, Leanne Riegel
How Facebook Has Transformed Journalism, Sarah E. Rodriguez
The Effect of Barefoot Running Using Two Running Styles on Lower Extremity Joint Reaction Forces, Jamie M. Rogers
Philanthropy under the Microscope: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Small Nonprofits Conducting Financial Statement Audits, Sarah Samaniego
Nailing Jello to a Tree: A Christian Approach to Ethics in Intelligence, Melanie Scherpereel
Building a Brand for a New Generation, Joel Schlaudt
Goals of Exclusive Breastfeeding and the Effectiveness of Programs and Initiatives in Attaining Them, Natalie Scott
The New Perspective on Paul and the Correlation with the Book of James, Zach M. Scott
Comparing and Contrasting Special Education in the United States and Jamaica, Sarah Searle
The Interactive Effects of Annual Climatic Variability and Rangeland Management on the Reproductive Success of Dickcissels (Spiza americana), Lauren A. Spahr
Yahweh and Allah -- the Essential Differences: Why Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God and Why it Matters, Sarah D. Stewart
Practical Christianity: Religion in Jane Austen's Novels, Erin R. Toal
A Dramaturgical Exploration: Setting Oliver Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer in Post-Civil War Virginia, Amanda Ward
Retaining Volunteers in a Non-profit, Kristina D. Ward
Support Experiences of Church-Going Christian Foster and Adoptive Families of Children with Special Needs, Taylor Weaver
The Creation of a Building Map Application for a University Setting, William T. Whitesell
Cash Versus In-Kind Transfers: Comparative Differences and Individual Best Practices to Benefit Recipient Communities, Sarah Wicker
The Design and Implementation of a PCIe-based LESS Label Switch, Amy C. Williams
The Rhetoric of the Civil War: Literary Devices of the North and South, Kelsey Williams
Taxation of Income on Professional Team Athletes, Crystal M. Williamson